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Which of the following is closest to the national LWDI average for privatesector organizations? (A). 250 (B). 25 (C). 2.5 (D). 0.25
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Option C is correct. Explanation: The national lost work day index (LWDI) average for privatesector organizations is approximately 2.5. This means that there are about 2.5 lost work days per day for every hundred employees. This figure is calculated by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. LWDI is calculated by dividing the number of workdays missed because of personal injury for each hundred employees, dividing by the total number of employees, and then multiplying by a hundred. Explanation:


Which of the following types of employee rating systems usually results in rating employees along a bell curve? (A). Paired comparison (B). Forced distribution (C). Ranking (D). Nominal scale
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Option B is correct. Explanation: A forced distribution usually results in rating employees along a bell curve. In a paired comparison, each employee's performance viewed in the context of another employee's performance. A ranking system is usually better for a smaller group of employees but can be difficult to organize with a larger group. A nominal scale is not recognized as a type of employee rating system. Explanation:


The role of the human resources professional regarding FMLA rules includes all of the following except: (A). Being familiar with FMLA requirements and changes (B). Educating those in management about FMLA rules (C). Developing an FMLA documentation policy for the company (D). Working to avoid simultaneous FMLA leave among employees
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Option D is correct. Explanation: The human resources professional is not expected to avoid simultaneous leave within the company. This may be inevitable, and the company cannot block employees from taking approved FMLA leave. The human resources professional is, however, expected to be familiar with FMLA requirements and changes, to educate management about FMLA rules, and to develop an FMLA documentation policy for the company. Explanation:


Employers are legally allowed to check and review employee emails subject to which of the following requirements? (A). Immediate notification from the legal department of impending review (B). Evidence to suggest wrongdoing on the employee's part (C). Written policy informing employees of potential for email searches (D). No notification is required, therefore employers may check and review employee emails at any time (E). Employers are not allowed to check or review employee emails without employee permission
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Option C is correct. Explanation: Employers are legally allowed to check and review employee email as long as they provide a written policy informing employees of the potential for email searches. Without this written policy, employers could legally file concerns about invasion of employee privacy. Answer choice A is incorrect because immediate notification from the legal department of impending review would not be sufficient. Answer choice B is incorrect because evidence of employee wrongdoing is too late for an employer to implement a search policy. Answer choice D is incorrect because notification is required. Although employers technically own the emails that employees send and receive, they are not advised to search emails without a written search policy. Answer choice E is incorrect because employers are allowed to check and review employee emails. Explanation:


A Scanlon Plan is an example of a(n) (A). individual incentive. (B). sales bonus. (C). group incentive. (D). Employee Stock Ownership Plan.
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Option C is correct. Explanation: A Scanlon Plan is an example of a group incentive. When a business implements a Scanlon Plan, employees are given a share of whatever savings they can create for the company. In order for a Scanlon Plan to work, employees must have access to the company's financial data. This is considered a group incentive because it depends on the performance of the company as a whole and because the reward is given to each employee in the same measure. Explanation:


In Alderfer's theory of motivation, what do the letters ERG stand for? (A). energy, relatedness, and growth (B). existence, responsibility, and growth (C). energy, responsibility, and growth (D). existence, relatedness, and growth
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Option D is correct. Explanation: In Alderfer's theory of motivation, the letters ERG stand for existence, relatedness, and growth. Like Maslow, Alderfer asserted that basic needs must be met before a person can attend to more sophisticated desires. Whereas Maslow defined the hierarchy of needs, in ascending levels of importance, as physiological, safety, love, status, and esteem, Alderfer reduced it to three. The first, existence, refers to all the activities aimed at maintaining life. The second, relatedness, refers to the need for connection with other people. The third, growth, is the innate human desire for personal evolution. Explanation:


When one company acquires another, what is the first step for the acquiring company's human resources department? (A). Survey of the workforce for both organizations (B). Elimination of redundant positions (C). Review of collective bargaining agreements (D). Assurance of OSHA compliance
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Option A is correct. Explanation: When one company acquires another, the first step for the acquiring company's human resources department is a survey of the workforce in both organizations. The goal is to identify redundant or conflicting positions. It may be that some of the employees in the acquired organization will need to be let go. Human resources departments will need to review the acquired organization's collective bargaining agreements and ensure compliance with OSHA regulations, but these activities should be performed subsequent to the workforce survey. Explanation:


In the event that a potential retaliatory action has occurred from an employer against an employee, what is generally OSHA's first goal? (A). Have employee reinstated with full benefits and back pay (B). File criminal charges against employer for illegal retaliation (C). Attempt reconciliation between employer and employee (D). Protect employee by requiring continued pay without requiring a return to work
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Option C is correct. Explanation: OSHA's first goal is to attempt a reconciliation between the employee and his employer. If there is a possibility of avoiding legal action, it should be taken to avoid weighing down the legal system. (Thus answer choice B is not correct.) In the process of this reconciliation, OSHA might also work to have the employee reinstated with full benefits and back pay, but this would reflect the individual situation and is part of the larger reconciliation process instead of the primary goal. OSHA could step in to protect the employee by requiring continued pay without requiring a return to work, but again this would reflect an individual situation and would not necessarily be the primary goal. Explanation:


Jocelyn has the responsibility of interviewing the candidates who have applied for an open position as a mechanic in an auto repair shop. As she meets and interviews the various candidates, she is not pleased with the potential employees that she encounters during this interview. One of the candidates, however, is a strongly built young woman with a tough demeanor. Despite this woman's limited resume and experience, Jocelyn decides that this particular candidate is the best employee choice because her appearance fits the image that the auto repair shop will need. In this, Jocelyn is demonstrating which of the following interview biases? Exam Dumps SHRM-SHRM-CP SHRM SHRM-SHRM-CP 1-3754687026
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Option A is correct. Explanation: In this case, Jocelyn is allowing a stereotyping bias (how she perceives a female mechanic) to guide her decision about which candidate will be best for the position in the auto repair shop. Answer choice B is incorrect because a similartome bias occurs when the interviewer is influenced by similar interests or a similar background in the candidate. Answer choice C is incorrect because a recency bias occurs when the interviewer compares a candidate to the previously interviewed candidate. Answer choice D is incorrect because a first impression bias happens when an immediate impression of a candidate determines a decision. And answer choice E is incorrect because a gut feeling bias relies on a preference or intuition to make a decision about a candidate. Explanation:


Which of the following are not steps in an analysis of training? (A). Establish a clear objective for training (B). Collect data about potential problems and review it (C). Analyze where the organization is lacking in its objective and its outcome (D). Develop new and more effective training material (E). Consider options with respect to the organization's available budget and time
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Option D is correct. Explanation: The development of new and more effective training material might be an end result of training analysis, but it is not necessarily one of the primary steps within the process. Answer choices A, B, C, and E, however, all reflect specific steps within the process of analyzing training and are thus incorrect. Explanation:
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