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Which of these are Scrum Artifacts and which one posses commitment? (choose the 3 answers)
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For the Increment, its commitment is the Definition of Done.
For the Sprint, its commitment is the Scrum Values.
For the Sprint Goal, its commitment is the Definition of Done
For the Sprint Backlog, its commitment is the Sprint Goal.
For the Product Backlog, its commitment is the Product Goal.


In Scrum, we use the term "Forecast" when planning. Why is that?
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Using the term Forecasting raises transparency because it is a term common to project and process methodologies.
It brings awareness to the fact that when planning, the team is looking ahead and not everything is certain. The team cannot commit to the plan not changing, it's a prediction based upon what is known today.
It emphasizes the difference between Scrum and plan-driven approaches.
Forecasting is part of the Scrum Framework, emphasizing its importance and preventing those new to Scrum from leaving it out. www.dumpsplanet.com


During a meeting at the start of a brand new software development initiative with Scrum, a stakeholder tells all those assembled, that he doesn't "believe" in Scrum. Traditional project management limits business risk by setting a deadline and budget. He says Scrum does not offer any of this and is, therefore, a high-risk approach he is not willing to take. What is your reply?
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Explain that in complex product development, discoveries are made along the way. No guarantees can be given. Risk is inherent to building software.
Explain that those traditional approaches always went over budget, time while delivering low value, unmaintainable products.
Yell "OK Sir." while insisting he go "live with the dinosaurs".
Explain that Scrum limits risk by frequent inspection and adaptation mechanism, and in every Sprint, a product Increment is created by the Scrum Team, and by doing so, we become able to respond to change and address risk when it occurs.


Www.dumpsplanet.com Mid-sprint the developers of the Scrum team detects that they will likely not meet the Sprint Goal with the work planned. They have a conversation and determine a different way to meet the Sprint Goal, making changes in the work planned in the Sprint. What Scrum Values are in evidence here?
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1 correct answer
Courage, Commitment
Build, Measure, Learn
Commitment, Focus
Inspection, Adaptation
Respect, Trust
Courage, Focus


At the seventh Sprint Review, the stakeholders are disappointed and angry. They have determined that the product or system being built will not meet their needs and will cost more than they are willing to spend. Which of the following statements could be true? (choose all the apply)
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3 correct answers
The Scrum Master has not ensured that the project is transparent
The stakeholders haven't been using the Sprint Reviews to inspect and evaluate progress in the prior Sprint Reviews.
The Product Owner has not been keeping the stakeholders aware of the progress of the project.
The PMO has not been engaged adequately.
The stakeholders haven't been attending prior Sprint Reviews.


Which of the following statements are correct about the Sprint Goal? (choose all that apply)
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The Sprint Goal provides the Developers with a target, focus, and overarching direction for the Sprint
The Developers commits to the Sprint Goal and forecasts the Sprint Backlog
The Sprint Goal is crafted by the Product Owner in collaboration with the stakeholder
The Sprint Goal is the outcome of the Product Backlog Refinement meeting and it helps the team with effective Sprint Planning
The Scrum Team forecasts the Sprint Goal and commits the Sprint Backlog.
The Sprint Goal is the glue that binds individuals into a team by giving them a shared purpose.


Www.dumpsplanet.com The Product Owner of your team has noticed several developers from the Scrum team are working together on backlog items. He expresses concern that this "pair programming" will negatively impact the amount of work being done. What do you do?
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All of the above.
Make a note to possibly address this during the Sprint Retrospective.
Suggest the Product Owner find a suitable moment to show interest and ask the developers why they use this approach.
Teach the Product Owner that the Scrum team decides how best to do their work.
Teach the Product Owner that the amount of work being done should not be the primary measure of progress.


In 2020 was released a new version of the Scrum Guide, and now it presents the term accountability. The Scrum Guide says " The entire Scrum Team is accountable for creating a valuable, useful Increment every Sprint. Scrum defines three specific accountabilities within the Scrum Team: the Developers, the Product Owner, and the Scrum Master.". In case a Sprint Goal becomes obsolete, who has the authority to cancel the Sprint?
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Product Owner
Scrum Master
Scrum Team


What are relevant boundaries that promote self-management according to the Scrum framework? (choose all that apply)
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2 correct answers
Time-boxing all effort to allow regularly checking the validity of any chosen path and thus limit the risk of going off-track. I know time boxing events definitely help teams fulfilling the Sprint goals they committed to during the sprint planning.
The clear definition of sub-responsibilities and hand-overs within the Scrum Team.
Having an even number of members in a Scrum Team in order to be able to do pair programming and be more productive.
Creating an integrated usable Increment by the end of each Sprint.


What does the Scrum Team do with Product Backlog items that weren’t completed, or done, in the Sprint?
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2 correct answers
Put it on the Product Backlog for the Product Owner to decide what to do with it
Do not include the item in the Increment this Sprint
If the stakeholders agree, the Product Owner can accept it and release it to the users
Review the item, add the “Done” part of the estimate to the velocity and create a Story for the www.dumpsplanet.com remaining work.
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  • Total number of questions:51
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