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A company wants to add Salesforce Order Management to their existing B2C Commerce, Service Cloud, and Sales Cloud integration. Their current sales process lets sales reps build quotes, create orders, and process reduction orders for refunds as part of their sales channel workflow. Their B2C Commerce order objects also include multiple custom attributes that the merchant's current Order Management System uses to allocate orders to the correct distribution center for fulfillment. When enabling Salesforce Order Management, what potential concerns will the merchant need to work through?
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Salesforce Order Management does not allow for fulfillment rules across multiple distribution centers without the use of an AppExchange package or custom Apex triggers.
Reduction Orders and Order Management change orders conflict if both are enabled in the same Org and require the use of Record Types and Apex Triggers or Validation Rules to avoid conflicts.
Custom attributes on B2C Commerce Orders are not natively supported for Salesforce Order Management integrations and require custom Apex development to handle mapping.
Salesforce Order Management integrates natively with B2B Commerce when both products reside within the same Org but requires the use of a customizable B2C Commerce cartridge to import data from a B2C Commerce instance.


Your project requires the integrating with a 3rd party PIM for importing master catalog, two storefront catalogs and pricebooks. All imports need to happen in a single job. Search indexes will also need to be re-built.
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Two flows are needed. First flow will execute in parallel under organization scope the master catalog import and then the storefront catalogs and on the other hand in parallel the pricebooks imports. Then new flow will be needed with site scope to perform site reindex.
Two flows are needed. First flow will execute in parallel under site scope the master catalog import and then the storefront catalogs and on the other hand in parallel the pricebooks imports. Then new flow will be needed with site scope to perform site reindex.
Three flows are needed. First to import master and storefront catalogs (organization scope). Another job flow with site scope to import pricebooks and another to perform site reindex under site scope.
Two flows are needed. First will execute in parallel under organization scope the master catalog import and then the other flow with storefront catalog import and pricebooks (sequential) organization scope. The second flow will be needed with site scope to perform site reindex.


You’re in charge of Pipeline migration to Controllers. What should be the best approach to do it in order to avoid poor performance and using Pipelines and controllers together until all migration is done?
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2 correct answers
Use the same name for new Controllers than pipelines because it will be easy to identify that is migrated and Controllers take precedence. Furthermore it will be a good practice to do it in separate cartridges.
To reduce risk of circular dependencies and for easier migration mix pipelines and controllers in a single cartridge.
onRequest and onSession pipelines are replaced with the OnRequest and OnSession hooks.
Controllers and pipelines must be in the same folder to avoid collisions between them.


Facebook connect will be available on your storefront to allow users to log in. To configure properly the new OAuth provider. What should you need from your product owner?
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User and password from Facebook to get the access token.
Ask for the access token.
Ask to grant needed permissions for your facebook user.
Send request to facebook endpoint with app_id sended by POST to retrieve the oauth token.


A client is planning to migrate its e-commerce to Salesforce Commerce Cloud. Their expectation is to increase the business volume by 300%. As an architect you decide before go-live execute a load testing in order to check that the new site will fit client expectations. This table show the results of test execution: Exam Dumps Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect Salesforce Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect 2-3214470467 * 500 http error appears twice during search refinement and 404 is shown while accessing an specific PDP. According to the results shown above, how can we evaluate the load test?
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There are two blockers. Go live must be postponed until checkout and place order average time is under 1,500 milliseconds. Otherwise a lot of purchases will be lost.
Go live must be postponed until those 400/500 errors will be fixed.
We can proceed with the go live. All key performance indicators are now better than in the old site even with 300% more volume.
In general it is pretty good, the new site will work as expected. We can proceed with the go live and after that some improvements on place order should be done.


Our company is planning an integration with a 3rd party provider to get information about product rating. As an architect you’re in charge of the Interface Specification Document so, you requested all needed information to the rating provider. A few days later you receive an email with the desired information: URL: http://ratingservice.com/rating/{productID} User: ratingprovider Pass: r$afF2!_dA Select 2 correct answers you should do as an architect after receiving this information:
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2 correct answers
Use dw.net.HTTPClient to open connection and setProtocol('secure')
Use service Framework and verify service mode is live.
Contact service provider and ask to for a URL over HTTPS protocol
Use service Framework and select service type HTTPS to make connection secure.


Your project has 4 storefronts for different branches. Everyday at 4.00 am runs a job to import inventories, master catalog and storefronts for each of those sites. You’re in charge of job configuration, given this information what should be the best approach to achieve it?
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First flow with organization scope to import master catalog, another flow with 4 steps to import each storefront catalog with site scope and in parallel inventory import with organization scope.
None of these answers are correct
2 flows needed. First one to import master catalog with organization scope and in parallel import storefronts with site scope and second flow to import the inventory with organization scope.
3 flows are needed. First master catalog with organization scope. Second flow is to import storefront catalogs with site scope and last to import inventory with organization scope.


As a Commerce Architect you should ensure that the cache hit ratio for your storefront is over 70%. During your investigation you realize that a significant number of pages are not cached. From which tool can you get this information?
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Page Speed
Google Lighthouse
Code Profiler
Pipeline Profiler
Reports & Dashboard


You have been requested to integrate in the checkout and user profile forms and address suggestions. To do that you’ll need to sync with the 3rd party provider to gather needed info to properly configure the service to retrieve the addresses. What should request the provider?
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SLA: Service Level Agreement
IP, port and protocol
API and documentation to perform the integration.


Our client notifies you that the iOS application made a few months ago for some reason now is experiencing a degradation service and some requests take too long to respond. What tool will use it in order to check if there is any issue with OCAPI calls?
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Code Profiler
Log center filtering by request type OCAPI
Pipeline Profiler filtering results with Extended script development mode.
Reports & Dashboard under Technical tab.
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Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our Salesforce practice test . Our Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect Simulator and how our unique Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect Database made up of real questions:

Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect
  • Total number of questions:76
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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Our Mobile App contains all Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect practice tests which consist of 76 questions and also provide study material to pass the final Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect exam with guaranteed success. Our Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect database contain hundreds of questions and Salesforce Tests related to Salesforce-B2C-Commerce-Architect Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.