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Task 1 Install RHVM steps below for Solution.
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Option A is correct. curl http://materials.example.com/rhvm.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/rhvm.repo yum install -y rhevm engine-setup systemctl status ovirt-engine firefox https://rhvm.lab.example.com


Task 2 Use nfs to create and export ISO, Data, and Export storage domains with utility steps below for Solution.
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Option A is correct. vi /etc/exports /exports/data *(rw) /exports/iso *(rw) /exports/export *(rw) exportfs -rv chown 36:36 /mnt/*


Task 3 Create a data center named “data0” with shared storage Create a cluster named”’cluster0” with a CPU architecture of x86_64 and a CPU type of xxx steps below for Solution.
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Option A is correct. System -> Data Centers -> New Name: data0 Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 2-329622339 Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 3-1762101184 Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 4-1275753529


Task 4 Add RHVH hosts “servera.lab.example.com” and “serverc.lab.example.com” into cluster “cluster0” steps below for Solution.
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Option A is correct. Steps in Exhibits below Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 5-2293848309 Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 6-2545960914 Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 7-2315145195


Task 5 Mount three storage domains (from Task 2) Note: The nfs-server service may not be started steps below for Solution.
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Option A is correct. Steps in Exhibits below System -> Storage -> New Domain Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 8-228065512


Task 6 Use iso image and kickstart to create a virtual machine with the name “vm1” Upload iso, parameters: 8G, 512M ram, CPU type dual-core There is a ks file, in properties also need to modify the mac address. Graphical operation steps below for Solution.
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Option A is correct. ssh root@rhvm wget http://content.example.com/rhel7.3/x86_64/isos/rhel-server-7.3-x 86_64-dvd.iso engine-iso-uploader list engine-iso-uploader -i iso upload ~/rhel-server-7.3-x86_64-dvd.iso # During installation, specify KS inst.ks=http://materials.example.com/small.cfg


Task 7 Will provide an image file (http://content.example.com/rhv4.1/x86_64/dvd/rhelimex-lab.raw), import it into the Data domain and create a virtual machine. Create a template with the name “Materll” based on this virtual machine The template Instance type option is “tiny” Operating system option is “rhel7” Optimized for option is “server” steps below for Solution.
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1 correct answer
Option A is correct. #Mirror image wget http://content.example.com/rhv4.1/x86_64/dvd/rhel-imex-lab.raw #Note: pass tls upload the image, it must be loaded locally CA certificate firefox http://rhvm.lab.example.com/ovirt-engine/services/pki-resourc e?resource=ca-certificate&format=X509-PEM-CA


Task 8 Create a virtual machine with the template Materll steps below for Solution.
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Option A is correct. Use cloud-init technology Set hostname to “oyser” Authentication: set the user to admin and the password to atenorth Network interface is set to eth0, the IP is and the subnet mask is, gateway (You must connect into the virtual machine to confirm, if it doesn't work, manually modify the IP information inside) Custom Script to the text content in a link


Task 9 Configure the IPA of the external authentication server, which requires: 1) External server utility.lab.example.com for IPA 2) Use CA certificate https://utility.lab.example.com/ipa/config/ca.crt 3) External domain lab.example.com 4) Administrator login: admin password: redhat steps below for Solution.
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1 correct answer
Option A is correct. #In utility configure IDM service #lab manage-ipa setup ssh root@rhvm yum install -y ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup #ldap server utility.lab.example.com #CA certificate https://utility.lab.example.com/ipa/config/ca.crt #Search for users DN uid=rhvadmin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=lab,dc=example,dc=com systemctl restart ovirt-engine


Task 10 Create a role with next permissions: can create a datacenter, cannot delete a datacenter. Authorize this role to the user dcmanager Create a role with next permissions: can delete disk, cannot create disk. Authorize this role to the user diskmanager NOTE: The role name is arbitrary, only check the permissions. steps below for Solution.
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Option A is correct. Steps in Exhibits below Configure -> Roles -> New Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 9-1165364475 Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 10-3090456248 Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 11-4129119761 Exam Dumps RedHat-EX318 RedHat RedHat-EX318 12-799086113
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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:RedHat-EX318
  • Total number of questions:12
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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Our Mobile App contains all RedHat-EX318 practice tests which consist of 12 questions and also provide study material to pass the final RedHat-EX318 exam with guaranteed success. Our RedHat-EX318 database contain hundreds of questions and RedHat Tests related to RedHat-EX318 Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.