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SIMULATION Configure your Host Name, IP Address, Gateway and DNS. Host name: station.domain40.example.com /etc/sysconfig/network hostname=abc.com hostname abc.com IP Address: Gateway172.24.40.1 DNS:
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See explanation below. # cd /etc/syscofig/network-scripts/ # ls # vim ifcfg-eth0 (Configure IP Address, Gateway and DNS) IPADDR= GATEWAY= DNS1= # vim /etc/sysconfig/network (Configure Host Name) HOSTNAME= station.domain40.example.com OR Graphical Interfaces: System->Preference->Network Connections (Configure IP Address, Gateway and DNS) Vim /etc/sysconfig/ network (Configure Host Name)


SIMULATION Add 3 users: harry, natasha, tom. The requirements: The Additional group of the two users: harry, Natasha is the admin group. The user: tom's login shell should be non-interactive.
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See explanation below. # useradd -G admin harry # useradd -G admin natasha # useradd -s /sbin/nologin tom # id harry;id Natasha (Show additional group) # cat /etc/passwd (Show the login shell) OR # system-config-users


SIMULATION Create a catalog under /home named admins. Its respective group is requested to be the admin group. The group users could read and write, while other users are not allowed to access it. The files created by users from the same group should also be the admin group.
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See explanation below. # cd /home/ # mkdir admins / # chown .admin admins/ # chmod 770 admins/ # chmod g+s admins/


SIMULATION Configure a task: plan to run echo hello command at 14:23 every day.
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See explanation below. # which echo # crontab -e 23 14 * * * /bin/echo hello # crontab -l (Verify)


SIMULATION Find the files owned by harry, and copy it to catalog: /opt/dir
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See explanation below. # cd /opt/ # mkdir dir # find / -user harry -exec cp -rfp {} /opt/dir/ \;


SIMULATION Find the rows that contain abcde from file /etc/testfile, and write it to the file/tmp/testfile, and the sequence is requested as the same as /etc/testfile.
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See explanation below. # cat /etc/testfile | while read line; do echo $line | grep abcde | tee -a /tmp/testfile done OR grep `abcde' /etc/testfile > /tmp/testfile


SIMULATION Create a 2G swap partition which take effect automatically at boot-start, and it should not affect the original swap partition.
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See explanation below. # fdisk /dev/sda p (check Partition table) n (create new partition: press e to create extended partition, press p to create the main partition, and the extended partition is further divided into logical partitions) Enter +2G t l W partx -a /dev/sda partprobe mkswap /dev/sda8 Copy UUID swapon -a vim /etc/fstab UUID=XXXXX swap swap defaults 0 0 (swapon -s)


SIMULATION Create a user named alex, and the user id should be 1234, and the password should be alex111.
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See explanation below. # useradd -u 1234 alex # passwd alex alex111 alex111 OR echo alex111|passwd -stdin alex


SIMULATION Install a FTP server, and request to anonymous download from /var/ftp/pub catalog. (it needs you to configure yum direct to the already existing file server.)
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See explanation below. # cd /etc/yum.repos.d # vim local.repo [local] name=local.repo baseurl=file:///mnt enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 # yum makecache # yum install -y vsftpd # service vsftpd restart # chkconfig vsftpd on # chkconfig --list vsftpd # vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf anonymous_enable=YES


Select the answer
1 correct answer
See explanation below. # yum install -y httpd # chkconfig httpd on # cd /var/www/html # wget http://ip/dir/example.html # cp example.com index.html # vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ ServerName station.domain40.example.com </VirtualHost>
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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:RedHat-EX200
  • Total number of questions:111
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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