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A data architect receives an error while running script. What will happen to the existing data model?
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The data model will be removed from the application.
The latest error-free data model will be maintained.
Newly loaded tables will be merged with the existing data model until the error is resolved.
The data model will be replaced with the tables that were successfully loaded before the error.


Refer to the exhibit. Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 2-3136537986 A data architect needs to build a dashboard that displays the aggregated sates for each sales representative. All aggregations on the data must be performed in the script. Which script should the data architect use to meet these requirements? A) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 3-2992877353 B) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 4-510751101 C) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 5-1005545360 D) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 6-838969511
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Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D


Refer to the exhibit. Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 7-3062528089 Refer to the exhibit. What does the expression sum< [orderMetAmount ]) return when all values in LineNo are selected?
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A data architect needs to retrieve data from a REST API. The data architect needs to loop over a series of items that are being read using the REST connection. What should the data architect do?
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Recreate the SQL Statement with the correct parameters
Use the REST Connector with pagination mechanism
Use pagination of the REST Connector to create a template of the desired data
Use With Connection to pass a parameter to the REST URL


Refer to the exhibit. Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 8-373912953 Refer to the exhibits. On executing a load script of an app, the country field needs to be normalized. The developer uses a mapping table to address the issue. The script runs successfully but the resulting table is not correct. What should the data architect do?
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Create two different mapping tables
Use LOAD DISTINCT on the mapping table
Use a LEFT JOIN Instead of the APPLYMAP
Review the values of the source mapping table


A data architect executes the following script: Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 9-1644369655 Which values does the OrderDate field contain after executing the script?
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20210131, 2020/01/31, 31/01/2019
20210131, 2020/01/31, 31/01/2019, 9999
20210131, 2020/01/31, 31/01/2019, 0
20210131, 2020/01/31, 31/01/2019, 31/12/2022


A data architect needs to load large amounts of data from a database that is continuously updated. • New records are added, and existing records get updated and deleted. • Each record has a LastModified field. • All existing records are exported into a QVD file. • The data architect wants to load the records into Qlik Sense efficiently. Which steps should the data architect take to meet these requirements?
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1. Load the existing data from the QVD. 2. Load the new and updated data from the database without the rows that have just been loaded from the QVD and concatenate with data from the QVD. 3. Load all records from the key field from the database and use an INNER JOIN on the previous table.
1. Use a partial LOAD to load new and updated data from the database. 2. Load the existing data from the QVD without the updated rows that have just been loaded from the database and concatenate with the new and updated records. 3. Use the PEEK function to remove the deleted rows.
1. Load the new and updated data from the database. 2. Load the existing data from the QVD without the updated rows that have just been loaded from the database and concatenate with the new and updated records. 3. Load all records from the key field from the database and use an INNER JOIN on the previous table.
1. Load the existing data from the QVD. 2. Load new and updated data from the database. Concatenate with the table loaded from the QVD. 3. Create a separate table for the deleted rows and use a WHERE NOT EXISTS to remove these records.


Exhibit. Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 10-3943650677 Refer to the exhibit. The data architect needs to build a model that contains Sales and Budget data for each customer. Some customers have Sales without a Budget, and other customers have a Budget with no Sales. During loading, the data architect resolves a synthetic key by creating the composite key. For validation, the data architect creates a table that contains Customer, Month, Sales, and Budget columns. What will the data architect see when selecting a month?
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Customer Names and Sales records for the selected month, Budgets column can contain null or non-null values
All Customer Names for both Sales and Budget records for the selected month
Customer Names and Sales records for the selected month but with only non-null values in Budget column
Customer Names and Budaets records for the selected month. Sales column can contain null or non-null values


A data architect wants reflect a value of the variable in the script log for tracking purposes. The variable is defined as: Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 11-475296553 Which statement should be used to track the variable's value? A) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 12-4051963447 B) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 13-1484329249 C) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 14-4108490713 D) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 15-2496858237
Select the answer
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Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D


Exhibit. Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2024 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2024 16-1333966572 Refer to the exhibit. A data architect is working on a Qlik Sense app the business has created to analyze the company orders and shipments. To understand the table structure, the business has given the following summary: • Every order creates a unique orderlD and an order date in the Orders table • An order can contain one or more order lines one for each product ID in the order details table • Products In the order are shipped (shipment date) as soon as they are ready and can be shipped separately • The dates need to be analyzed separately by Year, Month, and Quarter The data architect realizes the data model has issues that must be fixed. Which steps should the data architect perform?
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1. Create a key with OrderlD and ProductID in the OrderDetails table and in the Shipments table 2. Delete the ShipmentID in the Orders table 3. Delete the ProductID and OrderlD in the Shipments table 4. Left join Orders and OrderDetails 5. Use Derive statement with the MasterCalendar table and apply the derive fields to OrderDate and ShipmentDate
1. Create a key with OrderlD and ProductID In the OrderDetails table and in the Orders table 2. Delete the ShipmentID in the Shipments table 3. Delete the ProductID and OrderlD in the OrderDetails table 4. Concatenate Orders and OrderDetails 5. Create a link table using the MasterCalendar table and create a concatenated field between OrderDate and ShipmentDate
1. Create a key with OrderlD and ProductID in the OrderDetails table and in the Shipments table 2. Delete the ShipmentID in the Orders table 3. Delete the ProductID and OrderlD In the Shipments table 4. Concatenate Orders and OrderDetails 5. Create a link table using the MasterCalendar table and create a concatenated field between OrderDate and ShipmentDate
1. Create a key with OrderlD and ProductID in the OrderDetails table and in the Orders table 2. Delete the ShipmentID in the Shipments table 3. Delete the ProductID and OrderlD in the OrderDetails table 4. Left join Orders and OrderDetails 5. Use Derive statement with the MasterCalendar table and apply the derive fields to OrderDate and ShipmentDate
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The Qlik-QSDA2024 Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Qlik Database and are the best way to prepare for any Qlik-QSDA2024 exam. The Qlik-QSDA2024 practice tests consist of 50 questions and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The Qlik-QSDA2024 database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with Qlik-QSDA2024 Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the Qlik-QSDA2024 practice test . It is important to note that the Qlik-QSDA2024 Simulator does not replace the classic Qlik-QSDA2024 study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the Qlik-QSDA2024 exam.


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  • Quiz name:Qlik-QSDA2024
  • Total number of questions:50
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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