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A data architect needs to develop a script to export tables from a model based upon rules from an independent file. The structure of the text file with the export rules is as follows: Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 2-3289804773 These rules govern which table in the model to export, what the target root filename should be, and the number of copies to export. The TableToExport values are already verified to exist in the model. In addition, the format will always be QVD, and the copies will be incrementally numbered. For example, the Customer table would be exported as: What is the minimum set of scripting strategies the data architect must use?
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Two loops without any conditional statement
One loop and two IF statements
Two loops and one IF statement
One loop and one SELECT CASE statement


Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 4-2553062979 A company has different departments. Executive and Sales should always be the first values in a Department filter pane. Which script must the data architect use to meet this requirement? A) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 3-1548177707 B) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 5-1439640351 C) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 6-2146587448 D) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 7-4054854621
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A data architect executes the following script. Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 8-3944771660 Which values does the OrderDate field contain after executing the script?
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20210131, 2020/01/31, 31/01/2019, 0
20210131, 2020/01/31, 31/01/2019, 9999
20210131, 2020/01/31, 31/01/2019, 31/12/20


Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 9-3822190601 Refer to the exhibit A data architect is working on an app that contains orders, invoices, and shipping dat a. There are three different date fields within the data: * OrderDate * InvoiceDate * ShippingDate The business analyst needs to replicate the chart above to show Order and Shipping amounts on the same Month axis. What should the data architect do?
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Create a Month field for each of the three dates in the fact table and use that in the chart
Load the key field and the three date fields into a concatenated bridge table that contains KeyField and Date
Left Join the three date fields onto one bridge table using the key field containing KeyField and Date


Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 10-2478808101 Refer to the exhibits. The first table, Mastersports, contains the master list of all sport names that need to be loaded into the app. The second table, TeamMembers, contains the teams and team members registered for specific sports. In a Qlik Sense app, a data architect is loading the two tables that need to be linked together based on the Sport field. The table format cannot be changed in the source. What should the data architect do in the data load editor?
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Apply a preceding LOAD from the TeamMembers table with the SUBFIELD function and rename the field to Sport
Apply a preceding LOAD to the MasterSports table with the SUBFIELD function to create the Sport field
Apply a FOR loop to load to the MasterSports table creating the values for the Sport field


Refer to the exhibit. Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 11-3428746113 A data architect executes the script. What will be the value of the first row for Field_1?
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A data architect is building a model to show trends in visualizations across seven date fields. The seven date fields reside in different tables. The data architect must efficiently build this data model. Requirements: • A single date selector • Show all dates, even those with NO activity • Minimize the impact on server resources and p Which two solutions should the data architect use? (Select two.)
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Canonical calendar
Generic load
Data island
Multiple calendars
Link table


Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 12-2485924913 Refer to the exhibit. A data architect is loading two tables: Orders and Product. The Product table includes attributes and values for each ProductID such as Colour, Price, Category, and Description. The business analyst can filter by the value of these attributes. For performance reasons, the Data Model will use two tables. Which solution should the data architect apply in the Data Load Editor to build the ProductDetails table? For performance reasons, the Data Model will use two tables a Load Editor to build the ProductDetails table?
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Use a For loop to concatenate all of the Products table and apply a Generic Load to the final concatenate table
Use a For loop to apply a Generic load to the Product table and concatenate the generic tables together
Use a Generic Load in the Product table and a For loop to left join each Generic table


Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 13-2031869803 Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 14-3709955283 A Human Resources Director needs an app to analyze organizational structure. The Directory is particularly interested in the longest levels of line management. Two table loads are required. Both use the same basic structure. Which two table load prefixes are needed?
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• HierarchyLevel(EmployeelD, ManagerlD Name Level, '/', Structure) • HierarchyBelongsTo(EmployeelD, ManagerlD, Name ManagerlD, Manager, Depth)
• HierarchyBelongsTo(ManagerlD, Manager, ManagerlD, ManagerlD, Manager Level) • Hierarchy(EmployeelD, ManagerlD, Name. Manager Name, Structure ‘/’ Depth)
• Hierarchy(EmployeelD. ManagerlD Name, Manager Name, Structure V, Depth) • HierarchyLevelEmployeelD, ManagerlD, Name, Manager, Name, Structure, Depth ‘/')
• HierarchyBelongs.To(EmployeeID, ManagerlD, Name ManagerlD, Manager, Depth)


A data architect executes the following script: Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 15-1872453362 What will be the result of Table A? A) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 16-2543626978 B) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 17-3056198083 C) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 18-851803113 D) Exam Dumps Qlik-QSDA2022 Qlik Qlik-QSDA2022 19-2292471210
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Option D
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  • Quiz name:Qlik-QSDA2022
  • Total number of questions:76
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