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The following table shows the business value created and the development effort required to implement various features in a product Exam Dumps PMI-PMP PMI PMI-PMP 22-3850079016 Which feature should the team prioritize first? Enter the feature name in the box below Exam Dumps PMI-PMP PMI PMI-PMP 23-40281055
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Option A is correct. TESTLET-1. Exam Pool A


A new project manager is planning an information security project for a company that resides in different countries. What is the first step the project manager should take to gather customer requirements?
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Conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify how regional policies may influence needs
Request relevant stakeholders to conduct an analysis and reach consensus independently
Conduct a project scope review workshop with relevant stakeholders.
Conduct project planning meetings in one location with relevant stakeholders


A project team with members from many different countries is struggling to cooperate The project manager accepted these difficulties during the storming phase of team development, but the team has not moved to the next phase The project is beginning to fall behind schedule What can the project manager do to move the team to the norming phase?
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Plan social activities to help foster stronger interpersonal relationships and identify shared goals.
Speak with the project sponsor about changing the team composition
Figure out who is behind the issues and apply progressive disciplinary techniques.
Show the team the schedule impact of their communication issues and encourage them to put their differences aside


A company's project management office (PMO) has been trying to implement an adaptive approach in the project management framework and a project manager has been asked to use adaptive tools in their next project This is not the first time the request has been made and the previous project failed when adaptive tools were implemented What should the project manager do?
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Prepare a change request and seek approval from the steering committee regarding the new project framework
Conduct individual interviews with key stakeholders in order to understand all concerns, then prepare a communications management plan
Bring in a third party company to develop and implement a hybrid framework for this specific project.
Recommend to the PMO that it is not the right time to start implementing adaptive tools in projects


To estimate the costs of a new project that is similar to a project that was implemented last year, the project manager meets with a group of experts from the previous project The group uses a three- point estimating technique The project manager submits the estimated budget to the project sponsor for approval The project sponsor, who is new to the company, is concerned because the budget exceeded their expectations What should the project manager do?
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Review the organizational process assessment to determine if a contingency reserve was considered in the budget estimate
Review the historical information and lessons learned from last year’s project to justify the new budget estimate
Change the budgeting technique to a more accurate, bottom-up cost estimation.
Use soft skills to convince the project sponsor to approve the new budget estimate


The project manager is having difficulty obtaining approval of the project requirements because there is disagreement among the project stakeholders This issue is putting the project schedule at risk What should the project manager do first to facilitate the approval of project requirements'?
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Review the project charter
Perform a stakeholder analysis
Identify the source of the disagreement
Hold a team-building event


A project manager has been assigned to a project and receives the project charter from the project management office (PMO) The document is very clear about customer requests During Project Scope Management some requirements seem to be different from the ones specified within the project charter What should the project manager do?
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Modify the baseline of the project for minor impact changes to the project scope
Use a focus group and brainstorming sessions to gather more details about the project scope
Register the changes in the configuration management plan and send it to the change control board (CCB).
Explain to the sponsor that these requests could endanger the schedule and cost of the project


A research and development team is finishing up a two year initiative The project manager is focused on the closing activities for the project. Which activity should be considered as a priority?
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Mark the product backlog completion status and update the communications management plan.
Ensure that knowledge transfer activities are executed as planned
Release the resources and plan for a project completion celebration.
Hold a steering committee meeting to inform them of the project completion


An agile project manager would like to convert the requirements document into epics, capabilities, features and stories In how many iterations should the project manager estimate the story duration?
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Four iterations
One iteration
Two iterations
Three iterations


A software project using an agile approach is facing quality issues with every release, generating many production problems. What should the project manager do to fix the problem and improve the quality?
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Seek extra funding approval with the sponsor to replace junior team members for more experienced ones
Create a reward system granting incentives to the team members who are able to catch more defects
Hire an external company to add an additional layer of testing, making sure that the final product is well inspected before releasing.
Use the retrospective meeting to better understand the root cause of the quality problems and put together a plan with the team to address the problems
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