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A product's scope and acceptance criteria have been defined, and the product is planned for release at the end of the next quarter. What should the project team do next?
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Estimate the project team's capacity.
Determine how much work can be delivered.
Calculate how much work will fit into the next iteration.
Estimate items in the product backlog.


Following an upgrade, a software support team is overwhelmed by the number of tickets being submitted by end users. The team's manager is pushing the team to "work smart" by focusing on activities that deliver the most value in the least amount of time. What should the team do?
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Work longer hours to complete more of the support backlog.
Work support tickets in the order in which they were received.
Place tickets on hold until the team completes an analysis of the backlog to identify and resolve systemic issues.
Add members to the support team.


A scrum team has eight developers, but only two are database engineers. During the last few retrospectives, the team identified that most sprint stories are dependent upon database engineers. This has created a bottleneck in completing stories. What should be proposed to the team?
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Have other team developers attend training to learn database skills.
Monitor the retrospectives of two additional sprints before taking action.
Plan fewer stories for the sprint to reduce the database engineers' workload.
Ask the scrum master to work with the product owner to remove backlog stories that have database dependency.


A product owner adds a 21-point. high-priority story to a sprint backlog. The team is concerned that it cannot be completed during the current sprint. What should the team do?
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Advise the product owner that the story will have to wait until the next sprint.
Work extra hours to complete the story and satisfy the customer's requirements.
Break down the story into smaller increments and negotiate other stories on the sprint backlog.
Increase the length of the sprint to accommodate the story.


A team is creating a highly marketed, time-sensitive product. The agile coach is concerned that anything other than exceptional quality will result in bad publicity for the company. What should the agile coach ensure that developers do?
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Establish pair programming partners, and regularly perform peer reviews.
Perform demos at the end of each iteration.
Send coding to the quality assurance (QA) team upon completion.
Demonstrate each feature to the client as soon as coding is complete.


The agile practitioner has determined that two different team members are working on addressing the same major issue on the project. How should the agile practitioner address this?
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Implement a burnup chart and add the issue resolution as a task to the product backlog for the customer to prioritize.
Add the issue to the kanban board and assign the it to the team member who has made the most progress on resolving it.
Conduct a root-cause analysis on the issue and identify related risks and risk response owners at the next retrospective.
Document all project issues in a common space and ask the team members to decide on task allocation principles.


Toward the end of a project, the product owner discovers that the project has a high probability of failure due to a critical feature not functioning as expected. What should the product owner do?
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Terminate the project to cut losses.
Review possible options and make an informed decision to cut losses based on delivered business value.
Bring in experts to increase the probability of success.
Continue the project, release the product without the failing feature, and fix the feature in a subsequent release.


During mid-sprint changes, an agile facilitator meets with the executive and development teams. During the meeting, executive team members resolve conflicts, and on their own initiative, review the iteration charts to discuss changes to the iteration's functional goal. What practice is the agile facilitator implementing?
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Building openness and transparency on the project's health and status
Facilitating conflict resolution among executive team members
Using active stakeholder involvement to build features in an incremental and iterative approach
Seeking continuous feedback from executive team members


A product owner for two highly visible projects spends a great deal of time meeting with and reporting to senior stakeholders. The product owner is overwhelmed because both project teams request clarification on the requirements and the overall priorities. What should the agile project manager do?
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Provide both project teams with the highest priority needs.
Request the project teams' questions in writing prior to the next meeting.
Facilitate a meeting with each team and the product owner to find a solution.
Provide both teams with each project's documentation.


An agile team is preparing a release plan for a project. What information will the team need to complete this plan?
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Amount of work needed to complete a single user story
Amount of work that can be accomplished by each team member
Amount of work that can be accomplished in an iteration
Amount of work that can be accomplished by the entire team
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