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A disciplined agile team has been struggling to deliver the product in iterations. Knowing that the team needs help, the organization gave them the option of taking help of the enterprise agile coach. Nobody approached the coach for any help. What is a solution to this?
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Ask the team why they don’t make use of the coaching option
Appoint a coach who will be embedded within the team
Designate the senior most member of the team as a coach
Let the team figure out how to solve their problems


The main advantage of the process of Guided Continuous Improvement (GCI) over continuous improvement is that:
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It helps reduce the probability of failure
It helps in failing faster, which is better
The team will not experience any failures
The team can see immediate results


The product owner of a disciplined agile team wanted to make changes during an iteration to address an emergency situation. The team should:
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Accept the change but do not make any commitment about timely delivery
Refuse to make the changes as it is not allowed to make changes in the middle of an itertion
Escalate the matter to the project sponsor and follow the management guidance
Accept the change if it is necessary to respond to the situation immediately


Which life-cycle model is most suitable for running experiments with potential customers to discover what they actually want and supports a design thinking approach?
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Kanban C. Len D. Agile


In the Roman voting system of decision making, the participants vote with a thumbs-up or thumbs-down. But while doing this, it is also important that:
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They all vote at the same time
They must be physically colocated
They have first exhausted other ways of arriving at the decision
They are OK with the team lead overriding the majority view


Disciplined agile recommends a high degree of empowerment for teams as part of the "Govern delivery team" process goal. What are some of the disadvantages of empowered teams? Select all that apply
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2 correct answers
Gives a lot of flexibility to the team
Can be disconcerting for leadership and teams in the beginning
Teams may still need some governance and guardrails
Teams can get clear role definitions that they can follow


A team is in the Inception stage of a project. Which of the following is least important for them to work on? A. Align with enterprise direction B. Grow team members C. Develop test strategy D. Explore scope E. Form team F. Secure funding
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Option B is correct. Explanation Grow team members is an ongoing process goal - not related to inception alone. During inception, the other goals will occupy more of the team's attention www.dumpsplanet.com


The skill level of the team has to be high for any product development activity and life-cycle model. Which of the following life-cycle is the least demanding in terms of overall team skill level? A. Program B. Continuous Delivery Agile C. Continuous Delivery Lean D. Lean E. Waterfall F. Agile
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Option E is correct. Explanation As the waterfall project can be divided into phases, it is possible to bring in required resources as required. Other models require a much more cross-functional and capable team


As per the Tuckman model - Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning is that the teams are not able to retain the knowledge as they adjourn after the project. What is the best way to address this?
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The team should make clear, detailed plans that will make it easy to on-board new team members
Ask the teams to formally document all their work
The team should prepare robust training plans
Create long standing product teams which will work together even beyond the projects


Which of the following situation best exemplifies the Disciplined Agile principle "Context counts"?
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A team used to lightweight methods decided to document more in response to a regulatory need
A team that lacks testing bandwidth decides to release a product with minimal verification
The Scrum master of a team decided to skip the demo as the team was exhausted after a sprint
A team decided to prioritize the work based on the needs of the customer
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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:PMI-DASSM
  • Total number of questions:143
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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