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DRAG DROP Below are four of the seven principles on which ISO 9000 series are based. Match a potential benefit to each of the quality management principles (QMP). Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 2-3806827512
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Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 3-3160566316


DRAG DROP Match the process descriptions below to the process names: Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 4-1513659427
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Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 5-589185929


DRAG DROP Select the word that best completes the sentence: Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 6-3451373652
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Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 7-3645783905


Select the term that best describes the purpose of retaining documented information in a quality management system to ISO 9001.
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To facilitate auditing for proof of conformity to the standard.
To provide confidence in the effectiveness of the quality management system.
To safeguard the integrity of the quality management system.
To support the operation of the processes of the quality management system.


Which two of the following are the key expected results of a quality management system that conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015?
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Decreased number of nonconforming products in all stages of the manufacturing cycle
Decreased number of management system nonconformities
Consistently provide products that meet customers' requirements
Increased profits
Decreased number of warranty claims
Enhanced customer satisfaction


Which two of the following aspects of a quality management system must the organisation continually improve?
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DRAG DROP Put the following steps of a third-party audit into the correct sequence in which they happen. Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 8-3653191299
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Option is correct. Sequence: Stage 1 Audit Stage 2 Opening Meeting Interviews Stage 2 Closing Meeting Close-out of Stage 2 Audit Findings Issue Certificate Surveillance Audit Follow-up Audit To complete the sequence, you can drag and drop the options to the appropriate blank section. Here is a brief explanation of each step: Stage 1 Audit: This is the initial audit that aims to assess the readiness of the organization for the stage 2 audit. It involves reviewing the documentation of the quality management system, evaluating the scope and objectives of the audit, and identifying any major gaps or nonconformities34. Stage 2 Opening Meeting: This is the meeting that marks the start of the stage 2 audit. It involves confirming the audit plan, the audit criteria, the audit scope, and the audit team. It also provides an opportunity for the auditee to ask any questions or raise any concerns34. Interviews: This is the main activity of the stage 2 audit, where the audit team collects evidence by interviewing the personnel involved in the quality management system, observing the processes and activities, and examining the records and documents. The audit team uses various techniques, such as sampling, measurement, analysis, and evaluation, to verify the conformity and effectiveness of the quality management system345. Stage 2 Closing Meeting: This is the meeting that marks the end of the stage 2 audit. It involves presenting the audit findings, the audit conclusions, and the audit report to the auditee. It also provides an opportunity for the auditee to provide feedback, ask questions, or dispute any findings34. Close-out of Stage 2 Audit Findings: This is the process of verifying that the auditee has taken appropriate corrective actions to address any nonconformities or opportunities for improvement identified during the stage 2 audit. The audit team may request evidence or conduct a follow-up visit to confirm the effectiveness of the corrective actions34. Issue Certificate: This is the process of issuing a certificate of conformity to the auditee, if the audit team is satisfied that the quality management system meets the requirements of the standard and that there are no major nonconformities or unresolved issues. The certificate is valid for a specified period, usually three years, and is subject to periodic surveillance audits34. Surveillance Audit: This is the process of conducting periodic audits, usually once a year, to monitor the continued conformity and effectiveness of the quality management system. It involves reviewing the changes, improvements, and performance of the quality management system, and identifying any new nonconformities or opportunities for improvement34. Follow-up Audit: This is the process of conducting an additional audit, usually in response to a significant change, a complaint, or a major nonconformity, to verify the impact and the corrective actions taken by the auditee. It may result in the suspension, withdrawal, or renewal of the certificate, depending on the outcome of the audit34.


According to ISO 19011, what two activities take place during the conduct of a audit follow-up?
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Verify the effectiveness of the implemented corrective actions
Verify corrections taken to fix the reported non-conformities
Verify legal compliance
Plan the next audit
Determine feasibility of the audit
Assign roles and responsibilities of observers


DRAG DROP Select the words that best complete the sentence: Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 9-2337440043
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Option is correct. According to the ISO 19011:2018 document, the audit plan should provide the basis for agreement regarding the conduct and scheduling of the audit activities. The amount of detail provided in the audit plan should reflect the scope and complexity of the audit, as well as the risk of not achieving the audit objectives1. The scope of the audit refers to the extent and boundaries of the audit, such as the audit criteria, the audit objectives, the organizational and functional units, and the processes to be audited1. The complexity of the audit refers to the degree of difficulty or intricacy of the audit, such as the number and diversity of the auditees, the audit criteria, the audit methods, and the audit team composition2. The risk of not achieving the audit objectives refers to the possibility that the audit may fail to provide reliable and sufficient audit evidence to support the audit conclusions and report1. Therefore, the complete sentence is: In the context of a third-party audit, the amount of detail provided in the audit plan should reflect the scope and complexity of the audit, as well as the risk of not achieving the audit objectives. Reference: 1: ISO 19011:2018 - Guidelines for auditing management systems 2: Audit Complexity - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics


DRAG DROP Match each of the following statements into the table below to show whether they apply to first- party audits, second-party audits or third-party audits: Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 11-3270474197
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Exam Dumps PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PECB PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor 10-3744091819
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The PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Simulator Practice Tests are part of the PECB Database and are the best way to prepare for any PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor exam. The PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor practice tests consist of 96 questions and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor practice test . It is important to note that the PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Simulator does not replace the classic PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor exam.


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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor
  • Total number of questions:96
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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Our Mobile App contains all PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor practice tests which consist of 96 questions and also provide study material to pass the final PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor exam with guaranteed success. Our PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor database contain hundreds of questions and PECB Tests related to PECB-ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.