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Java SE 8 Programmer I



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Preparation Guide for Oracle 1z0-808 Certification Exam

7 min. 08/05/2023 08/05/2023


The Java SE 8 Programmer I Certification Exam certifies the candidate has an understanding of Oracle Java SE technology. This certificate is also known as Oracle 1z0-808 Exam which is a benchmark for experience and expertise recognized by employers across the globe.

Aim of the Certificate Exam

The certification exam is designed to help the candidate excel and command his future progression. It is designed to

  • Provide individuals with a mark of excellence that is extremely recognized by the clients and seeks within across the industries
  • Differentiate individual in a crowded job market
  • Empower individuals to execute tasks with confidence and skill

Brief Details

Following are the quick details related to the Oracle 1z0-808 Certification Exam

  • Exam Name: Java SE 8 Programmer I

  • Exam Code: 1z0-808

  • Number of Questions: 70 Questions

  • Duration: 150 minutes

  • Pass Score: 65%

  • Exam type: Multiple Choice Questions

  • Exam Price: $245 (USD) Price may vary for a country based on the localized currency rates

  • Exam Mode: Online Proctored Exam.
    Candidates can take the examination from any place at any time as per their convenience. Candidates also have the option to give exams at any of the authorized training centers. Candidates can select the exam mode based on their convenience at the time of registration.

  • Exam Registration: Candidates willing to appear for the exam have to purchase the exam voucher. Post purchasing the voucher, the candidate can register for the examination on Oracle Education Portal

  • Exam Voucher: Candidates can purchase the exam vouchers on Oracle Education Portal. Voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and is like a gift voucher which will get forfeited if not used within 6 months.


This certificate verifies the fundamental knowledge to become an Oracle Certified Java SE 8 Programmer ensuring if the candidate is skilled enough of practically applying the knowledge gained through pieces of training and practical experience of working within the projects.

Target Audience

The Oracle 1z0-808 Certification Exam is targeted to the candidates having experience of working with Oracle Java SE technology and looking to pursue a career as an OCA specialist in the field of Oracle Java SE 8 technology.

Topics to Cover

Oracle 1z0-808 certification exam is based on the learnings, key topics, and activities encountered during oracle pieces of training and implementations.

Following are the major topics along with the sub-skills, a candidate should cover while preparing for the examination. These topics will give the candidates a clear view of which topics and skills inclusive, one should focus on for the certification.

Note: The list and details are not an all-inclusive content list. Oracle reserves the right to change and update the content (topics and sub-skills) at any point in time.

  • Java Basics
    Ability to Define the scope of variables
    Ability to Define the structure of a Java class
    Knowledge to Create executable Java applications with the main method
    Knowledge to run a Java program from the command line
    Ability to produce console output
    Ability to import other Java packages and accessible in the code
    Ability to explain and compare platform independence, object orientation, encapsulation, and other concepts in Java

  • Using Operators and Decision Constructs
    Knowledge to use Java operators to write a code
    Knowledge to use parentheses to override operator precedence in a Java code
    Ability to test equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals () operator
    Ability to write if and if/else and ternary constructs within a code
    Knowledge of switch statement

  • Loop Constructs
    Ability to create and use while loops
    Ability to create and use for loops including the enhanced for loop
    Ability to create and use do/while loops
    Ability to compare loop constructs
    Ability to use the break and continue command

  • Inheritance
    Describe inheritance and its benefits
    Ability to use polymorphism
    Information about overrides methods
    Knowledge of different types of references
    Knowledge of different object types
    Ability to determine casting and its necessity in the code
    Knowledge of super and this to access objects and constructors
    Ability to use abstract classes and interfaces

  • Java API
    Ability to work with StringBuilder class and use its methods to manipulate data
    Ability to create and manipulate Strings
    Ability to create and manipulate calendar data using classes
    Ability to use and define an ArrayList
    Knowledge of simple Lambda expression and a Lambda Predicate expression

  • Java Data Types
    Ability to declare and initialize variables
    Knowledge of primitive data types and casting
    Knowledge of object reference variables and primitive variables and their differences
    Ability to read or write to object fields
    Ability to explain the lifecycle of objects including its creation, assignment, and garbage collection
    Knowledge of wrapper classes such as Boolean, Double, and Integer

  • Arrays
    Knowledge of one-dimensional array and multi-dimensional arrays
    Ability to declare, instantiate, initialize and use arrays in the code

  • Encapsulation
    Knowledge of methods, its arguments and return variable
    Knowledge of Overloaded methods
    Ability to create and call methods based on the need
    Ability to apply static keywords to methods and fields
    Knowledge of constructors and destructors and the difference between default and user-defined constructors
    Ability to create and overload constructors based on the requirements
    Knowledge of access modifiers and its application
    Knowledge of encapsulation principles to a class
    Ability to apply encapsulation and access modifiers to a class
    Ability to determine the effect on object references and primitive values when they are passed into methods that change the values

  • Exception Handling
    Knowledge of checked exceptions, unchecked exceptions, Errors and the difference between them
    Knowledge to create try-catch block Ability to determine how exceptions alter normal program flow
    Describe advantages of Exception handling
    Ability to create and invoke methods that throws an exception
    Knowledge of common exception classes like NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException, etc

Consider the following assumptions during the examination

  • Missing package and import statements
    if the sample code does not include package or import statements, and question does not explicitly refer to these missing statements. Then assume that all sample code is in the same package, or import statements to support them.

  • No file or directory path names for classes
    if the question does not state the file names or directory locations of classes, then assume that either All classes are in one file or Each class is contained in a separate file and all files are in one directory, whichever help in code to compile and run.

  • Unintended line breaks
    The sample code might have unintended line breaks. If you see a line of code that looks like it has wrapped, and this creates a situation where the wrapping is significant, assume that the wrapping is an extension of the same line, and the line does not contain a hard carriage return that would cause a compilation failure.

  • Code fragments
    A code fragment is a small section of source code that is presented without its context. In the case of Code fragments in question, assume that the necessary supporting code exists and the supporting environment fully supports the correct compilation and execution of code shown and its omitted environment.

  • Descriptive comments
    Take descriptive comments at face value and assume that the correct code exists, compiles, and runs successfully to create the described effect.

The candidate needs to go through and be proficient in every topic.

Exam Preparation

Questions in the exam are based on official training material provided by Oracle over different official platforms.
Also the information in the following pieces of training is the source for the exam. Hence, candidates should complete the following training courses before appearing for the certification exam.

Candidates should complete one of the below-mentioned pieces of training for the proper understanding of content and topics

There are two main types of resources for preparation of certification exams first there are the study guides and the books that are detailed and suitable for building knowledge from the ground up then there are video tutorial and lectures that can somehow ease the pain of through study and are comparatively less boring for some candidates yet these demand time and concentration from the learner.

Candidates who want to build a solid foundation in all exam topics and related technologies usually combine video lectures with study guides to reap the benefits of both but there is one crucial preparation tool as often overlooked by most candidates the practice exams.

Practice exams are built to make students comfortable with the real exam environment. Statistics have shown that most students fail not due to that preparation but due to exam anxiety the fear of the unknown. It is recommended to prepare notes and practice 1z0-808 Exam dumps.

Questions in the certification examination are based on the real-world scenarios and cater to the real-time problems implementation difficulties, hence along with all the training material and tutorial it is of utmost importance for the candidate to possess practical knowledge and experience of working in the field of Oracle Java SE Technology.

Exam Content

The examination consists of 70 Questions. Candidates should score 65% to clear the examination.

Formats of Question

  • Single Response Multiple-choice questions: Only One correct response from the given options best suits the statement or answers the question.
  • Multiple Response Multiple-choice questions: Two or More Correct response from the given options best suits the statement or answers the question.

Exam Duration

Candidates will have 150 minutes for attempting 70 questions. So, it becomes important for the candidates to time-box the exam and restrict spending too much time on one question or one topic.

Exam Results

The Oracle 1z0-808 certification is a pass or fail examination and the candidate has to score a minimum of 65% to be termed as pass in the certification exam.

Candidates will receive an email with the result from Oracle within 30 minutes of completing the Certification exam. Exam results are also available on the CertView web portal and the candidate can visit the portal and login to the CertView account to view the exam results and get further details.

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Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer I

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