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You are working in a project where you need to develop a rule to calculate the currency attribute "the person's total taxable income". The person's total taxable income is either the sum of the attributes "the person's wages" and "the person's interest" or $50,000, whichever is lower. What rule should you develop? A) Exam Dumps Oracle-1Z0-1035 Oracle Oracle-1Z0-1035 2-138546287 B) Exam Dumps Oracle-1Z0-1035 Oracle Oracle-1Z0-1035 3-3699978274 C) Exam Dumps Oracle-1Z0-1035 Oracle Oracle-1Z0-1035 4-4222421390 D) Exam Dumps Oracle-1Z0-1035 Oracle Oracle-1Z0-1035 5-738571701 E) Exam Dumps Oracle-1Z0-1035 Oracle Oracle-1Z0-1035 6-1883180813
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Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Option E


You have been asked to model the following: "5. Cats to be registered (1) The owner of a cat that has reached six months of age must ensure that the cat is registered with the local government in whose district the cat is ordinarily kept. Penalty: a fine of $5000. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if: (a) the cat has been kept by the person for less than 14 days; or (b) the person has been resident in the State for less than 14 days; or (c) the cat belongs to a class of cats prescribed as exempt from registration." The business has a requirement to obtain as much detail as possible from the user for other purposes. Using the minimum number of Boolean attributes, which four input attributes are required to determine if a cat needs to be registered under Clause 5?
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1 correct answer
the penalty amount
the person has been resident in the State for less than 14 days
the penalty is $5000
the date the person became a resident in the State
the cat's date of birth
the cat has been kept by the person for less than 14 days
the date the person started keeping the cat
the cat belongs to a class of cats prescribed as exempt from registration
the cat has reached six months of age


You are creating an online advice tool to help students work out if they may be eligible for a subsidy on textbooks. Your customer has this requirement for the final interview screen: * Display the bookstore's address, but only if the student is eligible for the subsidy and the application date is after 1 January 2017. Which three steps satisfy this requirement?
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1 correct answer
Attach the visibility rule to the screen control containing the bookstore's address.
Attach the visibility rule to the bookstore address attribute in the Data tab.
Attach the attribute "the student is eligible for the subsidy" to the screen control containing the bookstore's address.
Create an attribute containing the bookstore's address.
Create a visibility rule concluding "the bookstore's address should be displayed" is true if "the student is eligible for the subsidy" and "the application date > 2017-01-01".
Create a screen label containing the bookstore's address.


You have a number attribute "the child's age in years". In an interview, you want to ensure that the user is only able to enter ages between 0 and 15. What are the three methods to achieve this?
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3 correct answers
Specify the maximum and minimum values within the Edit Attribute dialog box.
Write a warning event rule.
Use a regular expression within the Edit Attribute dialog box.
Write an error event rule.
Create a number value list with the allowed ages, then associate the list with the child's age attribute.


Which example of a single Boolean attribute text uses a conjunction (and) correctly?
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the person is hot and the person is in the sun
the person's favorite color combination is blue and yellow
the person drank the coffee and the person ate the cake
the person satisfied either eligibility criteria
the person satisfied both eligibility criteria


Your source material requires the following: One applicant may own multiple businesses. Each business may have any number of sales leaders, with each of those sales leaders only working for one business and each having their gross sales recorded. Which two statements are true?
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2 correct answers
The entity representing the business should have a many-to-many relationship with another entity representing its sales leaders.
As with all entities, the policy model will require the creation of at least one sales leader.
It is possible to determine the highest gross sales.
The policy model should contain an entity named "the business" in a many-to-one relationship with the applicant.
The relationship to the entity containing the sales leaders should be named "the applicant's sales leaders".


You have an interview screen that collects the attribute "the person's age in years". Your customer requires that an error message be displayed if "the person's age in years" is less than 0 or greater than 120. Which option satisfies this requirement?
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Set the minimum and maximum values in the Screen Properties. Set the error message text in a validation rule.
Set the minimum and maximum values, and the error message text, on the Interview tab.
Set the minimum and maximum values in validation rules. Set the error message text on the Project tab.
Set the minimum and maximum values on the Interview tab. Set the error message text in a validation rule.
Set the minimum and maximum values, and the error message text, in the Edit Attribute dialog box.


The source material for your policy model says: To be eligible for the program, there must be at least one child in the family under 18 years of age. The payment amount for the family is based on the total income of all family members. If a family member has multiple jobs, include income from all jobs. Which two steps should you perform?
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Create two entities: the family member, the family member's job.
Create an inferred entity for "the job" to allow for family members with multiple jobs.
Create three entities: the family member, the family member's age, the family member's job.
Create three attributes (the first job, the second job, the third job) to allow for family members with multiple jobs.
Create two entities: the family member, the family member's age.
Use an entity function to calculate a family member's total income from all their jobs.


Which five statements are valid ways of writing a rule condition using a comparison?
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5 correct answers
The customer's age > 18
The ticket price = $15
The date the store opened = 03/03/2016
The number of pictures in the gallery > 10000
The customer's membership level = Gold
The person's date of birth < the spouse's date of birth
10 <= the cost of the item


Consider the following excerpt from source material for a building permit: "The City believes that the beauty of its lands is important. Any owner of an existing building that exceeds three stories within city limits must pay an additional yearly fee. The fee is $100 for every story in excess of 3." A rule concludes: An owner must pay an additional yearly fee if______. Which three options complete the conditions for this rule based on the requirements?
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3 correct answers
the building is an existing building
the building is located within city limits
the city believes the beauty of its lands is important
the number of building stories > 3
the fee = (the number of building stories - 3) * 100
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  • Quiz name:Oracle-1Z0-1035
  • Total number of questions:80
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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