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A technician has been assigned a scheduled activity that he or she needs to perform later in the day. Their company has a policy that their technicians perform some advance testing as an administrative task prior to the activity. Which option would enable them to account for their time performing these tasks?
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selecting "Prework" from within the activity In OFSC Mobility
adding a new "Prework" custom property to the "Edit/View activity" context in OFSC Mobility
creating a "start-after" link template between the preliminary work and the scheduled work
creating a "start-before" link template between the preliminary work and the scheduled work


Which two default attributes serve as stand-alone keys for work zones?
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Service Code
Completion Code
Fault code
Zip code
Travel area


A customer wants to configure the OFSC GUI to show when a resource has not activated their route by the exact planned shift start time and send an email to the resource's supervisor. Which two options are true regarding how this requirement is supported?
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Configuring a message scenario using the launch condition "Route is not activated" will also enable the Alert Setting "Route has not been started x minutes after the start time of resource work day".
The Alert Setting "Route has not been started x minutes after the start time of resource work day" should be configured for 1 minute(s).
The Alert Setting "Route has not been started x minutes after the start time of resource work day" should be configured for 0 minute(s).
The configuration related to email notification must be performed in the Message Scenarios.


A utility company sees several "New Connect" activities being dropped into the routing bucket during the day. They want "Meter Read" activities to be removed from the technician's route so that the "New Connect" activities can be assigned if the technician qualifies for the activity They enabled reoptimization in their route plan and created a reoptimization filter targeting the "Meter Read" activities. What additional settings are required in the route plan to meet the desired behavior?
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Set the reoptimization goal to "Assign high priority activities". Then set cost of not assigning an activity for "Meter Read" on activities in existing routes to "High", whereas cost of not assigning an activity for "New Connect" in activities in the routing bucket to "Low".
Set the reoptimization goal to "Reduce Overdue". Then set cost of not assigning an activity for "Meter Read" on activities in existing routes to "High", whereas cost of not assigning an activity for "New Connect" in activities in the routing bucket to "Normal".
Set the reoptimization goal to "Assign high priority activities". Then set cost of not assigning an act or "Meter Read" on activities in existing routes to "Low", whereas cost of not assigning an activity for "New Connect" in activities in the routing bucket to "High".
Set the reoptimization goal to "Assign high priority activities". Then set cost of not assigning an activity for "Meter Read" on activities in existing routes to "Highest", whereas cost of not assigning an / for "New Connect" in activities in the routing bucket to "Normal”.


A customer has found that there are some instances where their technicians have recorded either exceptionally short (for example, "one-minute-wonders") or long (for example, they forgot to set the status to "complete") activity durations. Given the importance of accurate data in a time-based self-learning system, which two constraints are in place and can be modified to ensure that outlier circumstances such as these do not affect future activity duration estimations?
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"Minimum relevant duration time in minutes" and "Maximum relevant duration time in minutes"
"Personalize the estimation of activity duration" and "Initial ratio of activity duration"
"Lower limit for personal ratio to calculate duration" and "Upper limit for personal ratio to calculate duration"
"Minimum relevant travel time in minutes" and "Maximum relevant travel time in minutes"


Your customer does not want to manage work zone assignments for each individual technician resource because all technicians can work in the same areas without bias or preference. Which two options fulfill that customer requirement?
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Assign all work zones at the parent level in the Resource Tree.
Create a single work zone with no work zone keys and assign it to all resources
Deselect "work zone support" in Business Rules to disable routing consideration of zones entirely.
Deselect "work zone support" in the routing plan configuration screen for all routing plans.
Create a single work zone group, with all zones included in the group, and assign it to the highest level in the resource tree.


You configured an "early morning" time slot between 06:00 and 09:00 for the"Installation' Activity An installation activity with no SLA is assigned to a resource for tomorrow. Which two statements are correct regarding how activities in Jeopardy will be displayed for this configuration?
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A jeopardy warning will be displayed on Time/List/Map Views only.
A jeopardy warning will be displayed if this activity has not finished between 06:00 and 09:00 tomorrow.
A jeopardy warning will be displayed on the Resource Tree only
A jeopardy warning will be displayed if this activity has not started and finished between 06:00 and 09:00 tomorrow.
A jeopardy warning will be displayed if this activity has not started between 06:00 and 09:00 tomorrow.
A jeopardy warning will be displayed on the Resource Tree and Time/List/Map Views.


A customer has technicians with varying degrees of training to perform installation work. Their current corresponding skill levels are: Expert level value = 100 Fully Qualified level value = 50 Novice level value = 25 For activities that require expert technicians, there is already an "Installation" work skill in place to identify those high visibility activities and enforce that assignment rule. However, another segment of mid-tier installation activities must be assigned to technicians that are at least novices, but even better if they are considered fully qualified. Which configuration satisfies the requirement of assigning those mid-tier installation activities?
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Create a Mid-Tier Installation work skill where its condition has a Required level of 25 and a Preferable level of 50
Modify the existing Installation work skill's conditions, setting the Required level to 25, the Preferable level to 50 and creating an additional condition to identify high visibility activities
Modify the existing Installation work skill's conditions, setting the Required level to 50, the Preferable level to 25 and creating an additional condition to identify high visibility activities
Create a Mid-Tier Installation work skill where its condition has a Required level of 50 and a Preferable level of 25.


Which two are correct statements regarding Daily Extract file data configuration?
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Separate Daily Extract files must be set up for data to be used in BICS and DBaaS.
Customized data sets can be created for individual instances of OFSC.
Data from a single data set can be configured to be extracted in any number of Daily Extract files
All data sets can be configured to include custom properties and fields.
Daily Extract files cannot be set up to extract data from multiple data sets


A customer wants to integrate OFSC with their existing DBaaS instance. Which option lists the steps necessary to take to set up the real-time transfer of OFSC data directly into DBaaS?
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Clone the Daily Extract outbound integration channel as a DBaaS channel, select the data set entities specifying 'once daily' as the data transfer option, then add fields to the entities.
Clone the Daily Extract outbound integration channel as a DBaaS channel, select the data set entities specifying 'real-time' as the data transfer option, then add fields to the entities.
Create an outbound integration channel for DBaaS, select the data set entities specifying 'once daily' as the data transfer option, then add fields to the entities.
Create an outbound integration channel for DBaaS, select the data set entities specifying 'realtime' as the data transfer option, then add fields to the entities.
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