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How to Start Reviewing the GED Social Studies Certification Exam


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Get the exam guide for GED Social Studies Certification Exam

GED Social Studies Certification: Tips to survive if you don’t have time to read all the pages

18 min. 08/05/2023 08/05/2023

The GED Social Studies certification exam is a test that you must pass in order to get a GED certificate. Passing the Social Studies test requires mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully complete this comprehensive course of study. Like the other GED exams, Data Management and Mathematics, Social Studies also has a designated number of test sections to prepare for. GED Social Studies Dumps is an indispensable resource for passing this exam. With it, you can get ready for the exam in no time at all by improving your knowledge of the content and skills essential to complete the GED Social Studies test.

What is GED Social Studies Exam

The GED Social Studies certification exam is a nationally recognized high school equivalency test that measures the knowledge, study skills, social studies abilities, and English language skills needed for employment in the American workforce. President Obama is committed to helping every American gain the skills needed for success in the 21st century. Vote Riders is the only organization that helps voters verify their registration, their eligibility to vote, and get help to restore voting rights. Amendment 1, which was passed in 2004, transferred the agency’s authority from the Federal Election Commission to the NC State Board of Elections. Military service members, their spouses, and dependents can attend these campuses at no charge. GED Social Studies Dumps provides the best possible way to pass GED social studies certification exam. Urbanization is the relocation of people from rural areas to cities. The main issue facing GED social studies certification exam education is an increasing lack of funding. Policy reform brings about change in the environment. The impact of society on the environment is a dynamic process that requires a flexible approach. Over population is the number of people in a geographic area. Welder is one of the most in-demand jobs in manufacturing. Exams and certification guide for GED English and math tests. GED Social Studies practice test provided by ExamsGuide is the best option to achieve this test certification.

Priority Mail Express International is a fast and reliable delivery service to more than 190 countries and territories. The majority of people in the United States do not have a college education. Regulation is the process of making rules. The most common way for a piece of legislation to become law. Century Aerospace: A major manufacturer of aircraft components. Participation in the American system of government by people outside the United States. Operations: The process of executing a company’s strategy. The specific tasks that must be performed to carry out a plan or program. Stagecoach, Transportation, and Stagecoaches were originally used by the U.S. Resources include natural and non-renewable resources and renewable resources. Extermination of pests. Priorities is a time or period in which certain things are more important. Data is general information. Technology is the practical application of scientific knowledge. Circumstances are the state of being.

What are the Needs for GED Social Studies Exam

Social studies is a department that is integral to a person’s understanding of their context. The much-needed examination of this subject matters to both the individual and society as a whole. The rate of return on investment is a term related to financial returns. A part of the economy that includes the production of goods and services. Foreign relations are the actions of the government to influence the development of other countries to help or hinder their interests. Legislation is passed for a variety of reasons including the protection of the health and welfare of citizens. The retail sector is a major component of the U.S. economy. The organization of society into social classes is an important factor in the development of civilization. GED Social Studies Dumps is the best solution to get a high score in GED social studies certification exam. Community Engagement is a measurement of the extent to which people from a specific community are involved with the democratic process. The decision is the choice line made. Government is the political body or institution that holds power in a state or country. The difficulty is something that makes it hard to do something. Exams are usually intended to test a student’s knowledge.

Occurred means happening at a specified time or in a specified place. The presidency is the term of office of the President. Influence portrays one thing or person as being very important to another. Presidential elections are held to elect the President of the United States. The federal budget is a document that is used by the U.S. government to present its financial position and proposed expenditures. Beauty is a positive trait that gives a person a pleasing or attractive appearance. Clerk is the person who provides customer service in a store, office or other organization. Constitutional amendments are changes to the Constitution that must be approved by two thirds of the senators present. Assembled means gathered together. Work ethic is the degree to which someone is honest, hardworking, and reliable. Mutually means a relationship of mutual benefit between all parties. Apprentice is the stage of training on the ladder to becoming a professional. Stem means to spring forth. Cottages are small houses or buildings less than the size of a mansion. Balls are small spherical objects that are thrown in the game of basketball.

Certification Topics of GED Social Studies Exam

  • Civics and Government (50% of the section)
  • U.S. History (20%)
  • Economics (15%)
  • Geography and the World (15%)

What are the Objective of GED Social Studies Certification

The GED Social Studies certification exam ensures that candidates have the knowledge and skills that they require to be successful in their future studies and careers. Mass Wachusett is the state of Massachusetts. Credential signifies the completion of a training or education program. Produce: produce plants or animals. Growth happens when something expands over time naturally. If you are in the process of moving to a new place, this means that you will be starting a new job and new life. Collaborate means working together with someone on something important. Complete means everything has been finished. Join means to become a member of something or to take part in something. Supported means that a person or something is supported by others. A crowd is a large group of people that have gathered together in the same place. A community is a group of people who live near each other and who interact with each other on a daily basis. GED Social Studies Dumps are what you need to prepare for the GED social studies exam. Engaged is when you are involved in something. The classroom is where students go to learn about different subjects from their teachers. Being homeless means that you have nowhere to live and do not know where you will sleep at night. Drag and drop mean the task of moving one item to another place.

Statements are statements that are often used in arguments. The BSA is the Boy Scouts of America. Improvements are changes that make something better or different from what it was before. A developing country is a country that is becoming more rich and advanced for its size. The response is a comment or statement that is made to tell people what you think about something. What you do next depends on what you will say next. The Council of the European Union is a group of leaders from the governments of different countries in Europe. Treaty (noun) is a written document that is signed by nations to show that they agree to certain things. The federal system is the system where political power is divided between several states. The Constitution specifies the rights and responsibilities of all citizens of the United States. A ball is a round object used for a variety of sports. The people who make these laws are the legislators. The environment is everything around you such as what you can touch or taste. A natural environment is one that does not change over time like the weather or seasons. Exams are the act of checking something to be correct for quality control.

Certification Path of GED Social Studies Exam

GED Social Studies certification exam is a comprehensive test that will require one to have the basic knowledge that he or she needs to function as a United States citizen. This certification is very important since this will give you the opportunity to show your skills in social studies. The GED test was made in order to make sure that the student has acquired the necessary academic skills needed to pass higher education. This test will also determine whether you are healthy enough to go to the next level of education. The GED Social Studies can also be a reliable source of income for those who have already acquired a GED certification. Equal means the same as something else. Relative tells you how or what something is related to something or someone. Describes the relationship between something and something else. Rejected equal rights is the act of denying equal rights to an individual or group. Incompetent means not skilled or qualified for a specific job. Electoral votes are the votes that are cast in a presidential election. Inaugural address is the opening speech that the President of the United States gives on the day of his inauguration.

The GED is required in order to receive a high school diploma. Vice presidency is the position of Vice President for a country. A philosophy is a set of rules and principles that guide how you should think and act. GED Social Studies Dumps is written material that is used to help you study for the exam. Hotels or cottages are places where you can stay with your family, friends, and pets. Mass exterminations are very cruel and bloody events. Practically means almost or nearly. Capable means you are qualified to do something. Divert significant resources is the act of using money to purchase something that are least important. GED Social Studies exam is an examination that you have to take if you really want to prepare yourself for the entrance exam. Prevent or delay a negative effect is the act of trying to stop a bad thing from happening or avoiding it. The scenario describes a possible future situation. The inaugural address is the first speech made by a new president after they have been elected. The Vice President of the United States is the second in command and is responsible for assisting the President. Incompetent or dishonest is doing something without being able to do it properly. Mutually promise is the act of promising to do something for someone else as well as promising to do it for them. Historical records are records or events that have happened in history.

Prerequisites of GED Social Studies Exam

To take the GED Social Studies certification exam, you must first complete a high school education program. You will then need to pass the GED exam with a minimum of 150 points. You will then be able to become a part of the workforce and study in college.

What is the Certification Worth of GED Social Studies Exam

The GED Social Studies examination is equivalent to the full high school diploma. The passing score for this exam is 66 or above which indicates that these individuals will be eligible for the general education development (GED) program. Question types on this exam include multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, drag and drop, and charts/graphs. A laptop or desktop computer with internet access is required for this exam. A student will also need to print the GED test for him or herself to take it. Students are allowed to take the exam at any time during the year. The growing threat of cyber threats makes it necessary to take this exam in the form of a computer-based test (CBT). Students are allowed to use laptops or desktop computers for taking the GED Social Studies exam. However, students are not allowed to bring cell phones or other electronic devices to prevent any cheating during tests.

What is the Exam Cost of GED Social Studies Exam

The GED Social Studies examination is free of charge for those who are convincing to enroll in the General Education Development (GED) program. Otherwise, it is $45.00. You can pay by cash or credit cards accepted by the office of examinations company. You will also have to pay a fee if you want your scores sent electronically to colleges or universities you want them sent to.

What are the steps to follow for the registration of GED Social Studies Certification

  1. Go to the internet and type in the name of the GED here.
  2. Click on the link that will appear on screens once you have typed in the name of the GED Social Studies certification exam.
  3. If you are a first-timer, a request for a new user account form will be displayed on the screen. Fill up all the information requested from this form and click on submit button to complete the registration process after all information is filled out correctly.
  4. The next step will be to provide proof of identity. Provide a photocopy of your driver’s license or a copy of your birth certificate.
  5. You will have to complete a registration form and submit it to the GED website for the enrollment process.
  6. After you have filled up the form completely, click on submit button to complete the registration process after all information is filled out correctly.
  7. You will be asked to review your information and click submit to continue with the registration process.
  8. Print a copy of your GED Social Studies certificate and a copy of the photo ID that you have submitted earlier to take the GED Social Studies exam. You will have to show these copies to the administrator who will have you sign in at the examination site where you will take the GED Social Studies test.
  9. On the test day, you will have to bring all the documents that were required for registration in a clear plastic bag.
  10. The administrator will collect your ID and GED Social Studies certificate when he or she signs in at the examination site.
  11. You will be allowed to take your personal belongings with you in the examination room, but you are not allowed to bring any electronic devices with you when you take the exam.

What is the duration, language, and format of the GED Social Studies Exam

  • Exam Length: 50 Questions
  • Duration of Exam: 70 Minutes
  • Passing score: 60%
  • Format: Multiple choice
  • Language of Exam: English

What is the salary of GED Social Studies certified professional

In the United States, the salary of a GED Social Studies certified professional is as follows:

  • In North Carolina, it’s about $49,000
  • In Florida, it’s about $47,200
  • In California, this number is high at around $58.1

Write down the Difficulty in writing the GED Social Studies Exam

The GED Social Studies exam is relatively simple and straightforward. The difficulty level of this examination mostly depends on the student’s existing knowledge and skills. For instance, it can be relatively difficult for someone who has no previous experience in the subject. GED Social Studies Dumps is highly recommended to help students prepare for the GED exam. A legislator is a representative for a political party in a government body. An amendment is amending the Constitution of the United States. The president enforces laws passed by Congress. The senates are members of Congress or other politicians who are elected to represent their constituencies to make laws for them, carry out judicial functions, select judges, receive ambassadors, and make treaties with other nations. Dramatically: in a way that goes up quickly. Adjust means to make changes for the better. Sensitive means having an open mind about other people’s beliefs and experiences. The Senate is the U.S. Upper House of Congress, including 100 members who serve six-year terms.

Contours are outlines of landforms. A community is a group of people who live near each other and interact with each other on a daily basis. The US has more than 200,000 colleges and universities. A delegate is someone who serves as an unofficial representative to another person or group. A delegate is someone who makes important decisions to represent others. Growing the economy means making the economy bigger so that there are more jobs and more production. A recession is an economic situation in which many businesses are closing, unemployment is rising, and prices of goods are falling. Turnout means how many people are voting in an election. A political party is a group of people who are organized to work together toward the same goal or ideas during elections. There are two major political parties in the US, these are the Republicans and Democrats.

Best Solution for the preparation of GED Social Studies Exam

The solution for the preparation of the GED Social Studies exam is GED Social Studies Dumps, which consists of the book and mock tests. They are made in a way that utilizes effective instructional strategies that will help you understand the subject better. Helped by your study material, you will be able to prepare for the examination by covering all its topics. These tutorials are also available in digital format, so you can read them on any device. This makes it affordable for students who are looking for options other than taking an offline course. Prevent I’ve measures are key when it comes to coping with different kinds of stress. It is vital when preparing for the GED Social Studies exam that you find some time each day to relax and unwind. GED Social Studies practice test always ensures that it is prepared for the tough requirements of the exam. Stress is one of the leading causes of failure in examinations and stressful situations can cause serious problems including loss of memory, loss of concentration, etc. The only way to effectively deal with stress is to prepare for it by working on your mindset.

Define loneliness as the emotional absence of emotional connection. The word “loneliness” is derived from Latin. It comes from the name “Lone” which means “lonely”. Longitudinal data is collected over time that tracks how one variable changes over time. Longitudinal data can be used to study trends or changes in many subjects. Longitudinal data is collected over time, and it has changed over time too. Accurately: in a way that is true and correct. Climate change is the result of the difference in temperature between the equator and the poles. When temperatures rise at one end of Earth, they decrease at another. This change often leads to changes in weather. Bowling is a game that is played with many pins. A crosswalk is a space between intersections where traffic lights or stop signs are found. Crosswalks may be painted with lines on the surface of the road, so cars know which side is safe to drive on. The pedestrian is someone who pays attention to traffic signals and may cross the road when it is safe to do so. Traffic signals are different colors that show you when you can or cannot drive your car.

Prep Tips for the GED Social Studies Exam

The GED Social Studies exam is a test that will require one to have a lot of information in their brains. So, you should not be too worried about trying to remember everything. Votes and other measures become destroyed if destroyed by heat or fire. When measuring water, most people use a measuring cup that is one pint. This is important information that most people are not aware of. If you are wondering how to prepare for the examination, there are many online courses that are available online. Enforcement is any action taken to stop people from doing wrong. When the U.S. went to war, there was a crackdown on civil liberties in the country. If you are trying to find out how to prepare for this exam, here are some tips that can help to improve your performance. Balls that are used in the game of bowling are made from very hard plastic. Blame: holding someone responsible for their actions or omissions. A person who votes is called a voter. People who try to get others to vote are called campaigners, and they spend time persuading voters to cast their ballots.

Record is a list of people who are registered to vote. The Voter Registration List is the official list of all eligible voters in a given area. Social security is when all citizens in a country pay tax to the government in order to receive benefits when they retire or when they fall ill. Social security programs are very popular in many countries because they help citizens when they need them most. Ratification is the act of approving something. Ratifying a treaty is done by signing it. This makes them feel like they are independent. Voting allows citizens to make decisions about how they will live together. GED Social Studies Dumps is an online material that is very useful for the preparation of the GED. A lot of voting systems use paper ballots or machines to count votes after the polls have closed. Table of Contents is a list of navigation links. The table of contents on the website of a book or website provides information about what is available on that site. It gives the customer an idea of what they will find on the site. A political party is any group of people who work for a single cause. A political party has diverse opinions, but they still work together to form new laws and ways to improve their country or region. Supportive: serving as support or encouragement; benevolent; kind; helpful; favorable; amiable. Ratify the ratification process.

Features of our GED Social Studies exam preparation material

The GED Social Studies exam preparation material we provide is designed to help you with preparation for the GED Social Studies certification. It is based on our years of experience as a national school board-certified social studies’ educator that has been utilized in writing this material. The materials are made from several sources that have been written by reputable authors. Coffee is actually a fruit that grows from a plant. Coffee beans are the seeds of this fruit. Weird but true. In America, if you work in a hospital, you will prepare for the GED Social Studies exam every day! An official can be an elected or appointed person who acts in an official capacity. An official is someone who represents their people, so they can speak on their behalf. The purpose of a measuring cup is to measure ingredients when cooking meals in a kitchen. GED Social Studies Dumps is great for this preparation material. Threats are things that may cause harm to someone. But, they can also act as warnings about what might happen in the future. The people who help define laws are called lawmakers. To threaten someone is to say that something bad will happen to them if they do not do the thing you want them to do.

A health care professional is someone who provides medical care to people. Some of these professionals such as doctors and nurses work at hospitals. A lot of people like to exercise each day because it can help keep them healthy. You should always exercise with a partner or group because it makes the activity more fun and safe. Crosswalks: where pedestrians and cars share the same space, and where there are no traffic lights, signs, or signals. Pedestrians wait at a crosswalk. There is a light on the top of the light pole that turns from green to yellow to red as you get closer to it. The traffic seems to move faster as you walk closer to this dangerous place. If you want, you can make a list of all the things that people do for work or school every day.

For more info read reference:

GED Social Studies Certification Reference
