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An upstream system has been configured to pass the date for a given batch of data to the Databricks Jobs API as a parameter. The notebook to be scheduled will use this parameter to load data with the following code: df = spark.read.format("parquet").load(f"/mnt/source/(date)") Which code block should be used to create the date Python variable used in the above code block?
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date = spark.conf.get("date")
input_dict = input() date= input_dict["date"]
import sys date = sys.argv[1]
date = dbutils.notebooks.getParam("date")
dbutils.widgets.text("date", "null") date = dbutils.widgets.get("date")


The Databricks workspace administrator has configured interactive clusters for each of the data engineering groups. To control costs, clusters are set to terminate after 30 minutes of inactivity. Each user should be able to execute workloads against their assigned clusters at any time of the day. Assuming users have been added to a workspace but not granted any permissions, which of the following describes the minimal permissions a user would need to start and attach to an already configured cluster.
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"Can Manage" privileges on the required cluster
Workspace Admin privileges, cluster creation allowed. "Can Attach To" privileges on the required cluster
Cluster creation allowed. "Can Attach To" privileges on the required cluster
"Can Restart" privileges on the required cluster
Cluster creation allowed. "Can Restart" privileges on the required cluster


When scheduling Structured Streaming jobs for production, which configuration automatically recovers from query failures and keeps costs low?
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Cluster: New Job Cluster; Retries: Unlimited; Maximum Concurrent Runs: Unlimited
Cluster: New Job Cluster; Retries: None; Maximum Concurrent Runs: 1
Cluster: Existing All-Purpose Cluster; Retries: Unlimited; Maximum Concurrent Runs: 1
Cluster: Existing All-Purpose Cluster; Retries: None; Maximum Concurrent Runs: 1


The data engineering team has configured a Databricks SQL query and alert to monitor the values in a Delta Lake table. The recent_sensor_recordings table contains an identifying sensor_id alongside the timestamp and temperature for the most recent 5 minutes of recordings. The below query is used to create the alert: Exam Dumps Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Databricks Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer 2-1215780210 The query is set to refresh each minute and always completes in less than 10 seconds. The alert is set to trigger when mean (temperature) > 120. Notifications are triggered to be sent at most every 1 minute. If this alert raises notifications for 3 consecutive minutes and then stops, which statement must be true?
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1 correct answer
The total average temperature across all sensors exceeded 120 on three consecutive executions of the query
The recent_sensor_recordingstable was unresponsive for three consecutive runs of the query
The source query failed to update properly for three consecutive minutes and then restarted
The maximum temperature recording for at least one sensor exceeded 120 on three consecutive executions of the query
The average temperature recordings for at least one sensor exceeded 120 on three consecutive executions of the query


A junior developer complains that the code in their notebook isn't producing the correct results in the development environment. A shared screenshot reveals that while they're using a notebook versioned with Databricks Repos, they're using a personal branch that contains old logic. The desired branch named dev-2.3.9 is not available from the branch selection dropdown. Which approach will allow this developer to review the current logic for this notebook?
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Use Repos to make a pull request use the Databricks REST API to update the current branch to dev-2.3.9
Use Repos to pull changes from the remote Git repository and select the dev-2.3.9 branch.
Use Repos to checkout the dev-2.3.9 branch and auto-resolve conflicts with the current branch
Merge all changes back to the main branch in the remote Git repository and clone the repo again
Use Repos to merge the current branch and the dev-2.3.9 branch, then make a pull request to sync with the remote repository


The security team is exploring whether or not the Databricks secrets module can be leveraged for connecting to an external database. After testing the code with all Python variables being defined with strings, they upload the password to the secrets module and configure the correct permissions for the currently active user. They then modify their code to the following (leaving all other variables unchanged). Exam Dumps Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Databricks Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer 3-209922773 Which statement describes what will happen when the above code is executed?
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The connection to the external table will fail; the string "redacted" will be printed.
An interactive input box will appear in the notebook; if the right password is provided, the connection will succeed and the encoded password will be saved to DBFS.
An interactive input box will appear in the notebook; if the right password is provided, the connection will succeed and the password will be printed in plain text.
The connection to the external table will succeed; the string value of password will be printed in plain text.
The connection to the external table will succeed; the string "redacted" will be printed.


The data science team has created and logged a production model using MLflow. The following code correctly imports and applies the production model to output the predictions as a new DataFrame named preds with the schema "customer_id LONG, predictions DOUBLE, date DATE". Exam Dumps Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Databricks Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer 5-2694535126 The data science team would like predictions saved to a Delta Lake table with the ability to compare all predictions across time. Churn predictions will be made at most once per day. Which code block accomplishes this task while minimizing potential compute costs? A) preds.write.mode("append").saveAsTable("churn_preds") B) preds.write.format("delta").save("/preds/churn_preds") C) Exam Dumps Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Databricks Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer 4-2888772026 D) Exam Dumps Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Databricks Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer 6-2229870811 E) Exam Dumps Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Databricks Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer 7-1498652254
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1 correct answer
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Option E


An upstream source writes Parquet data as hourly batches to directories named with the current date. A nightly batch job runs the following code to ingest all data from the previous day as indicated by the date variable: Exam Dumps Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Databricks Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer 8-3741699697 Assume that the fields customer_id and order_id serve as a composite key to uniquely identify each order. If the upstream system is known to occasionally produce duplicate entries for a single order hours apart, which statement is correct?
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Each write to the orders table will only contain unique records, and only those records without duplicates in the target table will be written.
Each write to the orders table will only contain unique records, but newly written records may have duplicates already present in the target table.
Each write to the orders table will only contain unique records; if existing records with the same key are present in the target table, these records will be overwritten.
Each write to the orders table will only contain unique records; if existing records with the same key are present in the target table, the operation will tail.
Each write to the orders table will run deduplication over the union of new and existing records, ensuring no duplicate records are present.


A junior member of the data engineering team is exploring the language interoperability of Databricks notebooks. The intended outcome of the below code is to register a view of all sales that occurred in countries on the continent of Africa that appear in the geo_lookup table. Before executing the code, running SHOW TABLES on the current database indicates the database contains only two tables: geo_lookup and sales. Exam Dumps Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Databricks Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer 9-1953170690 Which statement correctly describes the outcome of executing these command cells in order in an interactive notebook?
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1 correct answer
Both commands will succeed. Executing show tables will show that countries at and sales at have been registered as views.
Cmd 1 will succeed. Cmd 2 will search all accessible databases for a table or view named countries af: if this entity exists, Cmd 2 will succeed.
Cmd 1 will succeed and Cmd 2 will fail, countries at will be a Python variable representing a PySpark DataFrame.
Both commands will fail. No new variables, tables, or views will be created.
Cmd 1 will succeed and Cmd 2 will fail, countries at will be a Python variable containing a list of strings.


A Delta table of weather records is partitioned by date and has the below schema: date DATE, device_id INT, temp FLOAT, latitude FLOAT, longitude FLOAT To find all the records from within the Arctic Circle, you execute a query with the below filter: latitude > 66.3 Which statement describes how the Delta engine identifies which files to load?
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All records are cached to an operational database and then the filter is applied
The Parquet file footers are scanned for min and max statistics for the latitude column
All records are cached to attached storage and then the filter is applied
The Delta log is scanned for min and max statistics for the latitude column
The Hive metastore is scanned for min and max statistics for the latitude column
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The Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Databricks Database and are the best way to prepare for any Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer exam. The Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer practice tests consist of 116 questions and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer practice test . It is important to note that the Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Simulator does not replace the classic Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer exam.


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  • Quiz name:Databricks-Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer
  • Total number of questions:116
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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