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Monitor the logs of pod foo and: Extract log lines corresponding to error unable-to-access-website Write them to /opt/KULM00201/foo
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Exam Dumps CNCF-CKA CNCF CNCF-CKA 4-1438127611 List all persistent volumes sorted by capacity, saving the full kubectl output to /opt/KUCC00102/volume_list. Use kubectl 's own functionality for sorting the output, and do not manipulate it any further.
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Ensure a single instance of pod nginx is running on each node of the Kubernetes cluster where nginx also represents the Image name which has to be used. Do not override any taints currently in place. Use DaemonSet to complete this task and use ds-kusc00201 as DaemonSet name.
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Perform the following tasks: Add an init container to hungry-bear (which has been defined in spec file /opt/KUCC00108/pod-spec- KUC C00108.yaml ) The init container should create an empty file named /workdir/calm.txt If /workdir/calm.txt is not detected, the pod should exit Once the spec file has been updated with the init container definition, the pod should be created
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Create a pod named kucc8 with a single app container for each of the following images running inside (there may be between 1 and 4 images specified): nginx + redis + memcached.
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Schedule a pod as follows: Name: nginx-kusc00101 Image: nginx Node selector: disk=ssd
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Option A is correct. Explanation: solution Exam Dumps CNCF-CKA CNCF CNCF-CKA 12-2235888169 Exam Dumps CNCF-CKA CNCF CNCF-CKA 13-4015034267


Create a deployment as follows: Name: nginx-app Using container nginx with version 1.11.10-alpine The deployment should contain 3 replicas Next, deploy the application with new version 1.11.13-alpine, by performing a rolling update. Finally, rollback that update to the previous version 1.11.10-alpine.
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Option A is correct. Explanation: solution Exam Dumps CNCF-CKA CNCF CNCF-CKA 14-2064688097 Exam Dumps CNCF-CKA CNCF CNCF-CKA 15-1277973948


Create and configure the service front-end-service so it's accessible through NodePort and routes to the existing pod named front-end.
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Option A is correct. Explanation: solution


Create a pod as follows: Name: mongo Using Image: mongo In a new Kubernetes namespace named: my-website
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Option A is correct. Explanation: solution


Create a deployment spec file that will: Launch 7 replicas of the nginx Image with the label app_runtime_stage=dev deployment name: kual00201 Save a copy of this spec file to /opt/KUAL00201/spec_deployment.yaml (or /opt/KUAL00201/spec_deployment.json). When you are done, clean up (delete) any new Kubernetes API object that you produced during this task.
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Option A is correct. Explanation: solution Exam Dumps CNCF-CKA CNCF CNCF-CKA 18-582842573
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