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Examine the following process flow: Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 12-2255608896 The Loop Orders loop is configured to loop through the Orders collection. How Many times will the 'Process Order' page be executed?
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The loop will be infinite
It's impossible to tell. There is no loop counter.


Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 2-2357029426 The Process is intended to attempt to perform the processing in the recover block, Block 3. a maximum of three times before throwing an exception. Data Item 'Attempts' is a number data item with an initial value of 0 Data Item "Max Attempts" is a number data item with an initial value of 3 The 'Increment Attempts' calculation stage add 1 to the attempts value and outputs a result to the "Attempts" data item To enable this to work correctly, what is the correct expressions for the Try Again' decision stage?
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[Attempts] < [Max]
[Attempts] > [Max]
[Attempts] = [Max]
[Attempts] + 1


How many Start Stages can a sub-page in a Process have?
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Any Number


Study the following page in a process: Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 13-1982858169 Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 14-3852398052 Calculation stages will write A, B or C to the Output value data item. What will be the outcome after the page has run?
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Data Item Output Value contains “A"
Data Item Output Value contains "B"
Data Item Output Value contains "C"
An Internal Exception will be thrown


Study the following process flow: Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 15-1695829062 This is the Mam Page of a simple process which calls the Page Calculation before completing The data items are configured as follows: • X is a Number data item with an initial value of 20 • Y is a Number data item with an initial value of 5 • Result is a Number data item with no initial value The Calculation Page stage is configured as follows: Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 16-3758678452 The Calculation Page is as follows: Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 17-2488259817 The Data Items are configured as follow: • X is a Number data item with an initial value of 10 • Y is a Number data item with an initial value of 5 • Result is a Number data item with no initial value The Start Stage is configured pass through the X and Y values as input parameters. The divide calculation stage expression is [X] / [Y] The end stage is configured to pass back the results value as an output parameter. What will be contained in the Result Data Item on the Mam Page following the execution of the Process?
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No Value


Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 24-3816115778 A screen contains four buttons, Find, Save, Close and New. When the buttons are spied, the attributes are identical except for the Window Text attribute. The values for the Windows Text attribute are Find' for the Find button. 'Save' for the Save button, Close' for the Close button and New’ for the New Button. The Dynamic Button element has been spied and has the following attributes set: What additional configuration is required to ensure the Close button is selected by the Navigate stage?
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Set the Mouse Button value to Close'
The Params button must be selected and the parameter configured to override the Window Text attribute value to 'Close'
It is not possible to select the Close button using the Dynamic Button element because the value is set to 'Find in the Application Modeller
A new element is required with the Window Text value set to "Close and the Match Type set to equal


You identify an element in Application Modeller but when you highlight or use that element Blue Prism gives you an error message saying that duplicate elements were found. Which of the following statements is true?
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It is common for duplicate elements to be found based upon the attributes that are ticked by default using the Blue Prism product. Time needs to be spent experimenting with the attribute ticks until a unique, reliable, and consistent selection of attributes are found.
It will not be possible to interface with the element in a unique way. You will need to use Surface Automation techniques for this element.
A code stage interface will need to be created and used for this application, this will give you more flexibility to interact with the application elements.
You will need to make the attributes you have selected dynamic. This will allow your flow to loop around, incrementing the attribute value until the correct element is found and used.


Which of the following statements about Business Objects is true?
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It is Blue Prism best practice to include business rules within Business Objects
A Business Object is configured in the Studio area of Blue Prism
A Business Object can be exposed to Control Room
Logging of individual stages is not configurable in Business Objects


A Blue Prism solution works fine when developing and testing it in Process and Object studio but when it is ran in Control Room exceptions occur because of screen elements not being found. What is the most likely cause?
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The most likely cause for the errors is that your application has changed.
The most likely cause for the errors seen in Control Room is that best practice use of wait stages has not been followed.
The most likely cause for the errors is that the Object Studio action has not been published and therefore cannot be used by the Process in control room.
The most likely cause for the exceptions is that best practice exception handling has not been incorporated into the Process.


The Order System application has been successfully launched and Blue Prism has navigated the application to the following screen: Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 26-1201625038 There is a requirement to ensure this screen is in focus before any further interfacing is done with the screen. Which is the correct configuration to ensure the New Order screen is in focus? A) Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 27-2156744444 B) Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 28-620283357 C) Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 29-1299825164 D) Exam Dumps Blue-Prism-AD01 Blue Prism Blue-Prism-AD01 30-2729832430
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Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
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The Blue-Prism-AD01 Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Blue Prism Database and are the best way to prepare for any Blue-Prism-AD01 exam. The Blue-Prism-AD01 practice tests consist of 86 questions and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The Blue-Prism-AD01 database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with Blue-Prism-AD01 Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the Blue-Prism-AD01 practice test . It is important to note that the Blue-Prism-AD01 Simulator does not replace the classic Blue-Prism-AD01 study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the Blue-Prism-AD01 exam.


Blue-Prism-AD01 Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our Blue Prism practice test . Our Blue-Prism-AD01 Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our Blue-Prism-AD01 Simulator and how our unique Blue-Prism-AD01 Database made up of real questions:

Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:Blue-Prism-AD01
  • Total number of questions:86
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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Our Mobile App contains all Blue-Prism-AD01 practice tests which consist of 86 questions and also provide study material to pass the final Blue-Prism-AD01 exam with guaranteed success. Our Blue-Prism-AD01 database contain hundreds of questions and Blue Prism Tests related to Blue-Prism-AD01 Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.