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A customer wants to display a small toolbar with three icons - a "sad face," a "face with neutral expression," and a "happy face" - on the bottom of every page in their application. Users will be instructed to use the icon that best expresses their current experience using the application. This will allow the customer to collect valuable data about users. Which object type should be called from each page to implement this feature?
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An interface, because the component must render user interface elements.
An expression rule, because the component captures expressions of user sentiment for analysis.
A decision, because the component captures a choice that users select from an array of custom selection components, rather than a standard dropdown or radio button.


You select the "Generate groups and folders to secure and organize objects" option while creating a new application, Acme, with the prefix ACM. By default, which two groups are generated by Appian? (Choose two.)
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2 correct answers
ACM Administrators
ACM Designers
ACM Viewers
ACM Users


You need to remove an unused field from an existing record type Product, which has data sync enabled and is backed by a database table. What should you do?
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Delete the field from the record type and optionally delete the column from the database table.
Delete the field from the product Custom Data Type (CDT) and perform a full resync of the record type.
Delete the column from the database table and perform a full resync of the record type.


You have a record action that should only be visible to certain users under conditions specified by an expression. How should you configure this?
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Set security on the process model.
Set permissions directly on the user object.
Set security on the record action.


Which Appian feature is used to automate repetitive manual tasks such as extracting data from a system for which there is no API?
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Process Mining
Connected Systems


Review the following expression rule: union(ri!fruit, ri!vegetables) The rule inputs are configured as text arrays. What is the expected output?
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All items in ri!fruit followed by items in ri!vegetables, including duplicate values.
Only items that are in both ri!fruit and ri!vegetables.
All items in ri!fruit and ri!vegetables combined, with duplicates removed.


You need to pass data into a process from other parts of your Appian application. Which configuration is required in your process model?
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Toggle the Parameter field to 'True" on the configuration of a process variable.
Create process variables on the Data Management tab of Process Model Properties.
Add an interface as a Process Start Form.


HOTSPOT Match each node to the correct description for the node. Note: Each description will be used once. To change your responses, you may deselect your response by clicking the blank space at the top of the selection list. Exam Dumps Appian-ACD101 Appian Appian-ACD101 2-384179083
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Option is correct. Timer Event: Can accept one incoming path and select one outgoing path. XOR Gateway: Can accept multiple paths; when all paths arrive, all outgoing flows are executed at the same time. Script Task: Can run automated activities. AND Gateway: Can accept multiple paths; when all paths arrive, all outgoing flows are executed at the same time. Timer Events in a process model are used to delay the process flow until a specific time condition is met. They are configured to have one input and one output. XOR Gateways are decision points that can diverge the process into different paths based on conditions. If used to converge, they bring together different paths but will continue as soon as one of the incoming paths is activated. Script Tasks are automated activities within a process that run scripts or expressions without user intervention. AND Gateways are used to synchronize parallel flows in a process. When used to converge parallel paths, they wait for all incoming paths to complete before continuing. Reference: Appian Documentation: Process Modeler Objects


You have a record type, ABC_Author, backed by a database table. You need to retrieve the total number of authors without loading all the data. According to Appian best practices, which code snippet accomplishes this goal in the most efficient way? A) Exam Dumps Appian-ACD101 Appian Appian-ACD101 3-1808586395 B) Exam Dumps Appian-ACD101 Appian Appian-ACD101 4-2951335153 C) Exam Dumps Appian-ACD101 Appian Appian-ACD101 5-627222910
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Option A
Option B
Option C


You are creating a new customer onboarding application. Documents are required from customers for verification and onboarding purposes. You need to store these documents within Appian. Which two areas in Appian should you configure? (Choose two.)
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2 correct answers
Knowledge Center
Decision Object
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