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You want to buy an SSL certificate using Alibaba Cloud's SSL Certificates Service and deploy it in front of an Alibaba Cloud resource (such as Elastic Compute Service) What is the coned sequence of steps to follow?
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1 Select a certificate 2. Deploy the certificate in front of your Alibaba Cloud resources 3. Enter request information and submit for review 4. Manage the certificate
1 Select a certificate 2 Enter request information and submit for review 3 Manage the certificate 4 Deploy the certificate in front of your Alibaba Cloud resources
1 Select a certificate 2 Enter request information and submit for review 3. Deploy the certificate in front of your Alibaba Cloud resources 4. Manage the certificate
1 Enter request information and submit for review 2. Select a certificate 3 Deploy the certificate in front of your Alibaba Cloud resources 4 Manage the certificate


Among various types of network attacks, "phishing" is one of the most common attacks. A phishing website looks exactly the same as the real website It asks visitors to login with their accounts and passwords; at the same time, record these privacy information for illegal purpose. Which of the following statements about how phishing websites are spread is FALSE?
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Banks publish phishing website links in prominent positions on their official websites
Phishing website links are sent through Facebook. Twitter and other IM(instant Messenger) applications.
Advertisements are pushed to search engines and small and medium websites, attracting users to click the phishing website links.
Phishing website links are published in batches through emails forums, blogs, and SNS(Social Network Sites).


Anti-DDoS Premium Service is a value-added service intended to address the problem of service interruption caused by DDoS attack to servers including non-Alibaba Cloud hosts) Users can configure a protected IP address so that the attack traffic can be redirected to this IP address, thereby ensuring the stability and reliability of the origin site. When a user configures Anti- DDoS Premium Service and imports an HTTPS certificate, the system prompts an "incorrect parameter format" error Which of the following is NOT the reason of this error?
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The certificate contains strings like "-—"
The name of the certificate contains invalid letters
The certificate contains nonstandard content
The name of the certificate is too long to be accepted


A website is built using open-source software To prevent hacker attacks and fix vulnerabilities in a timely manner, the administrator of the website wants to use the patch management feature in Security Center. Which of the following statements about patch management is FALSE.
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Before patches for most common Web vulnerabilities are released, the Alibaba Cloud Security O&M team will have fixed the vulnerabilities using self-developed patches
Rollback of Web vulnerabilities means to restore the original files, while rollback of Windows vulnerabilities means to uninstall the patch upgrade
Patch management can operate machines in batches in the cloud. For large-scale vulnerabilities, it supports one-key patch upgrade, which is easy and convenient
Vulnerabilities are automatically fixed Once a self-developed paten is released, it automatically fixes vulnerabilities for all customers who have enabled patch management.


Data Risk Control feature has been integrated into Alibaba Cloud WAF. When this function is activated, a script must be embedded into the page that wishes to be protected under the corresponding domain name to check whether a client is trustworthy. Which type of script is it?
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Alibaba Cloud Data Risk Control utilizes Alibaba Group's Big Data computing capabilities and industry-leading, risk decision making engine to address fraud threats in key service processes (such as account log on, online activity, payment) and avoid financial loss Which of the following is NOT an application scenario of Data Risk Control?
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Account registration
Application installation
Goods payment
Transaction rating


You have set an alert policy for the disk usage of an ECS instance by using Alibaba Cloud CloudMonitor Each measurement cycle lasts for 5 minutes, during which the average disk usage is measured If the average disk usage exceeds 80% for five consecutive measurement cycles, an alert will be reported After your average disk usage exceeds 80%, how long will it take to receive an alert with the best case scenario?
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30 minutes
0 minutes
40 minutes
20 minutes


Alibaba Cloud Security Center provides patch management service, where are the patches published from?
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Contributed by netizens from open-source communities
Officially published by operating system vendors
Officially published by application vendors
Developed by Alibaba Cloud


Which of the following permissions is required to manually install the Alibaba Cloud Security center agent on the server?
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System administrator privilege
FTP service permission
Common user permission
Database permission


You applied for an SSL certificate through Alibaba Cloud's SSL Certificates Service During the application, you selected "Manual" at the "CSR "" step. You now want to install your certificate on a server running Apache What must you do?
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1 correct answer
You must revoke your certificate and re-apply, this time choosing "Automatic" at the "CSR Generation" step. Otherwise, the SSL certificate cannot be downloaded
You can download a crt file of type "Other" from the SSL Certificates Service console, then use openssl to convert this file to pfx format for use with Apache
SSL Certificates Service doesn't support the type of certificates needed by Apache. They cannot be used together
You can use the "generate pfx file" function built into the SSL Certificates Service to manually generate and download the pfx file needed by Apache
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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:Alibaba-ACP-Sec1
  • Total number of questions:80
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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