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Alibaba Cloud CloudMonitor is a service that monitors Alibaba Cloud resources and Internet functions currently provided by CloudMonitor? (Number of correct answers: 3)
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Site monitoring
Customized monitoring
Custom firewall
Operation auditing
Cloud service monitoring


When the "'Obtain the Visitor's Real IP Address" function is enabled in Alibaba Cloud SLB For layer 7 services, you can obtain the real IP addresses of visitors through the field in HTTP header
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Different Alibaba Cloud VPCs are completely isolated from each other. By default, the VPCs cannot communicate with each other over Intranet, but you can establish VPN connections via the Internet to achieve interconnection between VPCs.
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You would like to deploy your applications on Alibaba Cloud to meet requirements including cost reduction, improving service availability, fast deployment- and redundant backup Alibaba Cloud products can help meet these requirements (Number of correct answers 3)
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3 correct answers
Elastic Compute Service (ECS) image achieve efficient and convenient deployment.
Utilizing Content Delivery Network (CDN) can meet the demands for redundant backup.
Utilizing Server Load Balancer (SLB) and ECS instances can improve data reliability.
Elastic Compute Service (ECS) snapshot satisfies the needs of rapid recovery of applications and data.
Reasonable selection of Regions/Zones meets the location needs of application deployment as well as the demands for redundantly backup critical business applications and data.


The daily PV volume of a community website is as high as 20 million.The applications of the website are deployed on ECS instances while logs are stored on the data disks of a single ECS instance. Now, the website wants to extend the log retention period to 24 months and ensure that logs can be quickly downloaded when needed. The current data disks they have can only help retain three months of logs In this case, is the ideal solution for solving the log retention issue.
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Container Service
ApsaraDB for RDS


A large enterprise wants to migrate the entire business system to Alibaba Cloud to save the overall IT procurement and O&M costs From the security aspect, the company requires that 1. Must support secured remote O&M because the administrator often takes business trips. 2. Networks between subsystems should be isolated because subsystems are independently used by different departments Which of the followings should be used together to meet the company's requirements? (Number of correct answers: 3)
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Enable the VPN on the bastion host (or directly use the VPN image on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace). The administrator uses VPN encrypted communication during O&M.
Build an independent ECS instance as the bastion host or remote logon and O&M, and authorize the bastion host to access ECS instances running other subsystems.
Use the security group function of the ECS instance, and respectively deploy ECS instances running different subsystems to independent security groups.
Create multiple ECS instances in the VPC to install subsystems of different departments- Allocate only Intranet IP addresses to all ECS instances, and deploy them in the same security groups.


A video company uses SLB to distribute user requests to 20 ECS instances with the same configuration to response these requests. As the Spring Festival approaches, service traffic would double during holidays (based on past experience). Thus, you use Auto Scaling to elastically adjust computing resources. Since the services is online for many years, you have historic records that can help predict the upcoming service traffic and choose the scaling mode freely. In this scenario, which of the following options are feasible and with minimum operation efforts? (Number of correct answers: 2)
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2 correct answers
Cloud monitor and event-triggered task: Dynamically adds ECS instances during resource shortage and reduces ECS instances during idle hours by monitoring the CPU utilization rate and workload
Scheduled task: Increases the number of ECS instances to 40 on the first day of the holidays and reduce the number to 20 after the holidays.
Manual mode: Set the minimum number of instances to 40 on the first day of the holidays and change the number to 20 after the holidays.
Healthy check mode: Ensures that all the current ECS instances in scaling groups are working correctly to meet user access requests.


Which of the following privilege is required to manually install Alibaba Clod Security Center on the server?
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Database Access privilege
Common user privilege
System administrator privilege
FTP service privilege


As a concept stem from cloud computing, cloud storage service provides on-demand storage and data services to users through a unified interface Which of the following characteristics about cloud storage are correct? (Number of correct answers: 4)
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4 correct answers
Management and maintenance: To prevent emergent service termination, users need to know the underlying detail like how the data is archived in the resource pool.
Service on demand Cloud storage has a huge resources pool, users can apply for and use the resources on demand.
High reliability and availability: Provides very high reliability and availability through technologies like 3 redundant copies, automatic failure recovery, etc.
Ultra-large scale: Data storage can reach TB or even PB level
Transparent service: Provides the service through a single SDK
High scalability Storage capacity can be dynamically scaled to meet the needs.


Before data communication is setup, the security groups match the security group rules one by one to query whether to allow access requests Assume that the user has created two security group rules 1 and 2 The protocol type, port range, authorization type, and authorization object of the two security group rules are the same. The difference is that Rule 1 is a denial policy, rule 2 is an allowed policy, so the following statement is correct (Number of correct answers 2)
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2 correct answers
If rule 1 and rule 2 have the same priority, the rule of the denial policy takes effect first, and the rule of the allowed policy does not take effect
If rule 1 and rule 2 have the same priority, the rule of the allowed policy takes effect first, and the rule that of the denial policy does not take effect.
If rule 1 and rule 2 have different priorities, the rule with a small priority number takes effect
If rule 1 and rule 2 have different priorities, the rule with a large priority number takes effect.
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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:Alibaba-Cloud-ACP-Cloud1
  • Total number of questions:70
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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