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An Adobe Commerce developer has added an iframe and included a JavaScript library from an external domain to the website. After that, they found the following error in the console: Refused to frame [URL] because it violates the Content Security Policy directive. In order to fix this error, what would be the correct policy ids to add to the csp_whitelist.xml file?
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frame-src and script-src
default-src and object-src
frame-ancestors and connect-src


An Adobe Commerce Developer is tasked with creating a custom form which submits its data to a frontend controller They have decided to create an action and have implemented the \Magento\Framework\App\Action\HttpPostActioninterface class, but are not seeing the data being persisted in the database, and an error message is being shown on the frontend after submission. After debugging and ensuring that the data persistence logic is correct, what may be cause and solution to this?
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1 correct answer
Magento does not allow POST requests to a frontend controller, therefore, the submission functionality will need to be rewritten as an API endpoint.
The developer forgot to implement a validatePostDataQ method in their action. They should implement this method: all non-validated POST data gets stripped out of the request and an error is thrown.
Form key validation runs on all non-AJAX POST requests, the developer needs to add the for_key to their requests.


An Adobe Commerce developer is working on a module to manage custom brand entities and wants to replicate the following SQL query using SearchCriteria: A) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 2-99811028 B) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 3-3600487990 C) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 4-4286756252
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Option A
Option B
Option C


The di. xml file of a module attaches two plugins for the class Action. The PluginA has the methods: beforeDispatch, aroundDispatch, afterDispatch. The PluginB has the methods: beforeDispatch, afterDispatch. Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 5-372761743 The around plugin code is: Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 6-3879504843 What would be the plugin execution order? A) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 7-1178173914 B) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 8-2236512231 C) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 9-559469527
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Option A
Option B
Option C


An Adobe Commerce developer adds a new extension attribute to add an array of values to the invoices that are fetched through the APIs. After a while, their technical manager reviews their work and notices something wrong with the extension_attributes. xml file that the developer created in their module: What is the problem with this xml snippet?
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The extension attribute references the wrong interface, it should have referenced the Magento\saies\Api\data\invoiceinterface.
The extension attribute references the repository instead of the interface it implements (Magento\saies\Api\invoiceRepositorymterface).
The type is wrong, string [] should be replaced with array.


An Adobe Commerce developer is creating a new console command to perform a complex task with a lot of potential terminal output. If an error occurs, they want to provide a message that has higher visibility than some of the other content that may be appearing, so they want to ensure it is highlighted in red (as seen in the screenshot): Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 10-4200538735 How can they customize the appearance of this message?
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Call the setDecorationType(Stype) method On the Symfony\Console\Output\OutputInterface Object before Calling writeln().
Wrap the output content in tags like <error>, <info>, or <comment>.
Throw a new commandException with the desired message passed as an argument.


An Adobe Commerce developer is being tasked with creating a new cron job to run a method that has already been written. What are the minimally required steps to accomplish this?
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Create a crontab.xmi file and a new system configuration in system.xmi for the schedule.
Create crontab.xmi and cron_groups.xmi files to assign the new job to a cron group.
Create a crontab.xmi file and set a schedule for the new cron job.


Which hashing algorithm will Adobe Commerce choose to hash customer passwords?
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If the Sodium extension is installed, SHA256 will be chosen, otherwise MD5 will be used as the Magento default hashing algorithm.
If the Sodium extension is installed, Argon 2ID13 will be chosen, otherwise SHA256 will be used as the Magento default hashing algorithm.
It does not matter if the Sodium extension is installed or not, the Magento hashing default algorithm will be SHA256.


An Adobe Commerce developer is developing a custom module. As part of their implementation they have decided that all instances of their Custom\Module\Model\Example class should receive a new instance of Magento\Filesystem\Adapter\Local. How would the developer achieve this using di. xml? A) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 11-1408447166 B) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 12-4171412693 C) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E716 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E716 13-298803738
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Option A
Option B
Option C


An Adobe Commerce developer has been tasked with applying a pricing adjustment to products on the website. The adjustments come from a database table. In this case, catalog price rules do not work. They created a plugin for getPrice on the price model, but the layered navigation is still displaying the old price. How can this be resolved?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Create an implementation for \Magento\Catalog\Hodel\Product\PriceModifierlnterf ace.
Create an after plugin On \Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\BasePriceInterface:: getPrice.
Create a plugin for\Magento\Catalog\Model\Indexer\Product\Price::executeRow.
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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:Adobe-AD0-E716
  • Total number of questions:69
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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