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An Adobe Commerce developer wants to generate a list of products using ProductRepositoryinterface and search for products using a supplier_id filter for data that is stored in a standalone table (It. not in an EAV attribute). Keeping maintainability in mind, how can the developer add the supplier ID to the search? Add a custom filter to the virtual type Megento\Catalog\model\Api\SearchCriteria\CollectionProfessor\ProductFilterProcessor for supplier_id field. In the custom filter, apply the needed join and filter to the passed $collection. Write a before plugin on \Magento\Cotalog\Model\ProductRepository: getlist()and register the search criteria passed. Write an event observer to listen for the event catalog_product_collection_load_before - Iterate through the registered search criteria, and if found, apply the neededjoin and filter to the event's $collection . Write a before plugin on Magento\Fremework\api\SearchCriteria\CollectionProcessorinterface::process() . Iterate through the $searchCriteria provided for supplier_id, and if found, apply the neededjoin and filler to the passed $collection .
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1 correct answer
Option B is correct.


An Adobe Commerce developer has just finished creating a new custom entity, a block that extends \Mangento\Framework\View|Element\abstractBlock that lists all of the existing entities and a controller with the appropriate handle to display the block. The developer now wants to implement cache on the block so that when one of the custom entities is saved, the cache of the block is automatically invalidated. According to best practices- what are the two steps to accomplish this? (Choose two.)
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2 correct answers
1. Override AbstractBlock: :getCecheKeyInfo and return an array containing the ids of all displayed entities. 2. Override AbstractBlock: :getCacheTags and return an array containing, for all displayed entities, the value returned by the getcachetag method of the model
1. Create an around plugin on the save( ) method of the model of the entity. 2. Use the cleanCacheByTags( ) method Of \MagentoVFramework\App\Cache\FlushCaehebyTae with a single argument containing the concatenation of a chosen key and the td of the entity.
1. Implement \Magentoramework\DataObject\identityInterface on the block that lists the entities. 2. Implement the getidentitiesO method on the block to return an array containing, for all displayed entities, the value returned by the getidentities() method ofthe model. D) 1. Implement \magento\Frame\DataObject\identityInterface on the model of the entity. 2. Implement the getidentities() method to return the concatenation of a chosen key and the id of the entity.


A customer is creating a new website, store and store view that will have a new category structure. How would an Adobe Commerce developer implement this?
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1 correct answer
All stores have unique category structures, select which root category to duplicate to the new store during creation.
Create a new root category in the admin and then select it when creating the website.
Create a new root category in the admin and then select it when creating the store.


An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked with adding an new export option for the order grid, they have added the following code for the export button within sales_order_grid.xml Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E709 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E709 2-2670977781 Upon testing, they are getting redirected, what would be a cause for this error?
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1 correct answer
The Layout cache needs to be refreshed.
The developer has to add a formkey for the new export option.
The option's url attribute is not valid.


There is an integration developed using a cron service that runs twice a day. sending the Order ID to the integrated ERP system if there are orders that are able to create an invoice. The order is already loaded with the following code: $order =$this->orderRepository->get($orderid); In order to verify if the store has invoices to be created, what implementation would the Adobe Commerce developer use? A) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E709 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E709 3-3418723833 B) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E709 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E709 4-2148237794 C) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E709 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E709 5-1484201746
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Option A
Option B
Option C


An Adobe Commerce developer is developing a class that is executed in both the frontend and crontab areas. When executed in the frontend \Magnto\Customer\Model\session::getCu5tonteria() is called but when executed in the crontab this section of code is skipped. Keeping performance and best practices in mind, what would be the best approach to achieve this?
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Inject the \Magento\Customer\Model\Session\Proxy class in the constructor of their class and call the getCustomer id function wherever required in the class.
Declare \Magento\Customer\Model\Session in the constructor dependency of their class and declare a proxy in the di.xml. Then call the getCustomerid function wherever required in the class.
Declare \Magento\Customer\Model\.session in the constructor of their class dependency and call the getCustomrid() function wherever required.


An Adobe Commerce developer has created a before plugin for the save() function within the magento\Framework\App\Cache\Proxy class. The purpose of this plugin is to add a prefix on all cache identifiers that fulfill certain criteria. Why is the plugin not executing as expected?
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1 correct answer
Another around ptugm defined for the same function does not call the callable .
Cache identifiers are immutable and cannot be changed.
The target class implements MagentorameworK\ObjectManager\Nointerceptablelnterface .


An Adobe Commerce Developer wishes to add an action to a pre-existing route, but does not wish to interfere with the functionality of the actions from the original route. What must the developer do to ensure that their action works without any side effects in the original module?
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1 correct answer
In the route declaration, use the before or after parameters to load their module in before or after the original module.
Inject the new action into the standard router constructor's Sactionlist parameter.
Add the action into to the Controllers/front.name/ in My_Module. Magento will automatically detect and use it.


An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked to add a file field to a custom form in the administration panel, the field must accept only .PDF files with size less or equal than 2 MB. So far the developer has added the following code within the form component xmlfile, inside the filedsetnode: Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E709 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E709 6-3820825866 How would the developer implement the validation? A) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E709 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E709 7-1374976203 B) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E709 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E709 8-1282301060 C) Exam Dumps Adobe-AD0-E709 Adobe Adobe-AD0-E709 9-515835716
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Option A
Option B
Option C


An Adobe Commerce Developer is tasked with creating a custom module which implements a new product type. Upon completion, they find that any quantity information they enter against the product does not get saved, and reverts back to 0. How would they go about correcting this?
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1 correct answer
In the modules ete/product_types.xml file, set the isQty-"true" property on their product type declaration node.
Add a <stockmodel> node inside their product type declaration in the etc/product_types.xml file, with an instance attribute pointing a class extending\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product ype\Stock .
Implement \Magento\InventoryCatalogApi\Api\DefaultStockProviderlnterface on their product type class and implement the required methods.
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