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Suppose in the product rest API in Magento, you added a new attribute. But this attribute can be accessed by API consumers only when they have access permission. How do you create the attributes following the above condition:
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New attributes must be created as custom_attribute to restrict the access using ACL
New attribute must be created as extension_attribute to restrict the access using ACL
We can’t create access permission for REST API, it’s only applicable for entity and repository.
New attributes must be created by extending the product API interface, to restrict access using ACL.


OrangeCompany decided to build a REST API based module in the application so that he can share the details of best-selling products to his franchisee. To make it's flexible and customizable in the future, he advised his developers to enable the support of extension_attribute in the API interface so that any new attributes can be added when required. What is the way to enable the entity/interface to support extension attributes in the module?
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Check the interface for the methods getCustomAttributes() and setCustomAttributes() to determine if they are available for the entity.
Check the interface for the implementation of Magento\Framework\Api\CustomAttributesDataInterface to enable support for extension attributes
Check the interface for the implementation of Magento\Framework\EntityManager\Operation\ExtensionPool to enable support for extension attributes
Check the interface for the methods getExtensionAttributes() and setExtensionAttributes() to determine if they are available for the entity.


A merchant wants to send email notifications to those customers after a week who placed the order but didn't pay. Suppose email content is almost similar to the default order email template content with some additional text, so you decided to use the same but in a new custom template. How you pass the order object to the email template so that it will render the all data of default template?
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Create json of all variables that are used in the email template and pass to setTemplateVars method of _transportBuilder insatance.
Load the order using increment_id and use getData() to convert it to array and then pass to setTemplateVars method of _transportBuilder instance.
Load the order using increment_id and pass this object to setTemplateVars method of _transportBuilder instance.
None of these.


A furniture merchant have 100k products in the store. In a custom product list page, he advised you to enable the caching as per user paginate the products. So what should the approach to cache the block data as per pagination request:
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In block class toHtml() method, define cache_lifetime, cache_tags and cache_key_<current_page_here>
In block class _construct() method, define cache_lifetime, cache_tags and cache_key_<current_page_here>
In block class toHtml() method, set _isScopePrivate property to false as per requested page number.
In block class _construct() method, set _isScopePrivate property to false as per requested page number.


Suppose you are asked to disable/remove the customer review related functionalities. You can not disable the review module directly because the customer module depends on it. What is the possible way to remove all HTML outputs of the review module, from the frontend and backend? :
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Turn-off Review module output globally by extending <Magento_install_dir>/vendor/magento/module-backend/etc/config.xml
Turn-off Review module output globally by extending <Magento_install_dir>/vendor/magento/module-backend/etc/module.xml
Create plugin or Override the class \Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock and toHtml() method, and implement the logic to return empty data in case of review module’s block instance is present.
Create plugin or Override the class \Magento\Backend\Block\Template and isOutputEnabled() method, and implement the logic to return false value in case of review module’s block instance is present.


In homepage, you need to add inline css in the body tag. What should be the correct way of doing this using layout XML file cms_index_index.xml:
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<page> <body> <attribute name="style" value="css.opacity=0"/> </body> </page>
<page> <body> <attribute name="css" value="style.opacity=0"/> </body> </page>
<page> <body> <attribute name="css" value="opacity:0"/> </body> </page>
<page> <body> <attribute name="style" value="opacity:0;"/> </body> </page>


Suppose in a store there are 500 categories and it's increasing as per the need. Let's say your frontend developer asked you to modify the header and include CSS files on some specific category pages based on the custom category attribute selection from backend. What should be the acceptable and easiest way to do this, so that no new file creation and code update will be required after implementation:
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create a new layout XML file for the category called catalog_category_view.xml and add the layout modification code
create a new layout XML file for the category called catalog_category_view_selectable_<Category ID>_CustomLayout.xml and assign it to the needed categories from backend, and add the layout modification code in it.
create a custom layout handle for the category using observer layout_load_before and add the layout modification code
create a custom layout handle for the category using observer layout_load_after and add the layout modification code


Consider below code in a UiComponent xml file: Magedeal\Employee\Ui\DataProvider\Employee\DataProvider employee_data_source entity_id id What is the application of
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The class attribute defines DataProvider class which is the primary source of any data or metadata that the component needs or will use.
This references a PHP class that must implement \Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\DataProviderInterface. And it can also extend or implement the \Magento\Ui\DataProvider\ModifierPoolDataProvider
The class attribute defines UiComponent class which is the primary source of any data or metadata that the component needs or will use.
This references a PHP class that must implement \Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\UiComponentInterface. And it can also extend or implement the \Magento\Ui\DataProvider\ModifierPoolDataProvider


Suppose you are working on a specific uicomponet form where front-end customers can update their name and phone number only when the admin user sets the editable_field_flag to 1 for his submitted data from the backend. According to this flag, when loading the data in the form for front- end users, how would you check and customize to enable/disable the name and phone number fields?
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In uicomponet xml, under fieldset node, include the Form Provider Javascript component “Magento_Ui/js/form/provider” and extend it to customize the specific fields when data is being populated by it.
In uicomponet xml, under fieldset node, include the Form Provider Javascript component “Magento_Ui/js/form/dataProvider” and extend it to customize the specific fields when data is being populated by it.
In uicomponet xml, under DataSource node, include the Form Provider Javascript component “Magento_Ui/js/form/provider” and extend it to customize the specific fields when data is being populated by it.
In uicomponet xml, under DataSource node, include the Form Provider Javascript component “Magento_Ui/js/form/dataProvider” and extend it to customize the specific fields when data is being populated by it.


Suppose you are building an inquiry form using uicomponent. It has a feature that customer can edit the submitted data later if he wants to edit. What should the logic here to implement, in order to enable the form for re-edit:
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DataProvider class provides execute() method which is responsible for data loading.
DataProvider class provides getDataSourceData() method which is responsible for data loading.
DataProvider class provides prepare() method which is responsible for data loading.
DataProvider class provides getData() method which is responsible for data loading.
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